George Patterson, William Carey Library, 2012


Reviewed by Galen Currah

Published in Jan 2013


This is an historical novel and a pastoral leadership training manual, mixed up together, from an unusual man who has experienced all that he writes about.


I found it hard to switch off the light and go to sleep while reading through this face-paced novel set in mid-20th century Latin America, that describes Communist insurgents attacking businesses and churches, dynamite explosions, evangelists swept away by flooding streams, and the usual wolves devouring young flocks of new believers. Patterson explains, Most episodes are authentic; in fact, the more bizarre ones are more likely to be historical.


I also found more pastoral theology and missionary methodology both illustrated and summarized, than what I learned years ago in seminary (perhaps because I was not paying attention back then). So, yes, this book also provides training material, neatly classified and enumerated as tasks to be performed, guidelines to help with planning, and points by which to evaluate ministry outcomes, all keyed to the unfolding drama.


The story starts with Tiger who is serving as night watchman for a wealthy business man, awaiting the dawn. Still an unbeliever, he shoots at an intruder detected by his mongrel Pharaoh. He receives a message that a relative has just died of malaria, leading him into many an adventure with shadowy figures, both human and spiritual, rich and poor, crafty and stupid, all ringing true for those who have served the Good News at the edge of hell.


In brief, souls are won and lost, churches planted and destroyed, evangelists sent and suborned, tribes penetrated and plundered, just like in real Kingdom work anywhere. Fledging pastors make stupid choices and learn more wisdom than that of seven counselors. The narrative illustrates how Church planting movements (CPM) happen mostly in hard places amongst sin-sodden humans where tradition fails and New Testament models prevail.


George Patterson remains widely known to international missionaries for his teaching, training and writing. In the endorsements, David Garrison states, George Patterson is father and mentor to us all. A contributor to Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, Patterson authored Church Multiplication Guide, Obedience-Oriented Education, the much translated Train and Multiply materials, and many practical manuals.