Jewish-Gentile Couples: Trends, Challenges, and Hopes
Enoch Wan and Tuvya Zaretsky

William Carey Library: CA, USA, 2004

Reviewed by

David Brickner
Executive Director of Jews for Jesus

Published in Global Missiology, Review & Preview, October 2004,

Every once in a while someone is able to cut through the academic frills and fluff to put their finger on an important missiological key with the potential to make a real difference for God's Kingdom. I believe this book holds such a key. I am excited to see it implemented in the field of Jewish missions and missions around the world.

The book is published by William Carey Library, Pasadena California USA and is also available through Jews for Jesus in San Francisco and at Purple Pomegranate Productions, 415-864-2092, e-mail.