The late Paul Grant


Published in April 2013



(This poetic reflection respects God’s gifts of intelligence and scholarship and their place in the human scheme of things.  Its thrust, however, is towards that unique endowment of a knowledge that transcends mental thought, yet, when honoured and received purifies and elevates human intelligence. The way we see, understand, and interpret the world around us (“worldview”), through Christ, and by the power and illumination of the Spirit, is a continuing education through transformation.  Reason submits to revelation and finds its healing and fullness of function.  All believers are equally called and with that call equally accredited in the service of Christ.    1 Corinthians 1:18-2:16 presents a reading that is essential for the following perspectives to be clearly understood.)



1 Samuel 3:19-4:1     The Lord was with Samuel as he grew up, and he let none of his words fall to the ground. And all Israel from Dan to Beersheba recognised that Samuel was  attested (‘accredited’) as a prophet of the Lord.  The Lord continued to appear at Shiloh , and there revealed himself to Samuel through his word.  And Samuel’s word came to all Israel.


Jeremiah 1:4-5   The word of the Lord came to me, saying, Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.


Galatians  1:15  God set me apart from birth and called me by his grace.


Western worldview thought

Promotes accreditation,

Pursuit of learning and training

For a profession or vocation


For societies to develop

In our post-modern cultures

People must be skilled and taught

 Through levels and procedures


Training, skilling, and apprenticeships,

Are pathways towards a vocation;

Professional recognition is achieved

Through higher education


A man or woman is normally affirmed

By an accrediting organisation

Approved by governments under law

To confer due recognition


People who succeed are recognised

And given a qualification,

This gives the person eligibility

And status for career and function


Jesus’ call for labourers

Carries different requirements,

The Master simply confronts us

With a challenge to obedience


Through total submission to his will

We begin our discipleship training,

Captivating our deepest affections

He promotes our yearning for learning


Sealed and empowered by the Holy Spirit

We are tutored in truth and grace,

Revelation provides true information

Held fast by his embrace


Credentialled by God’s own equipping,

We are given a qualification,

Transformed by the renewing of our minds

A transcendent education


Obedience to Jesus’ surpassing call

Means brain power is brought into order,

Human accreditations have their place

 But the Spirit is the Controller


The call of God brings enlightenment

Of a kind transcending all wisdom[1]

Yet thought made captive to God’s will

Takes on a new dimension


So all believers are accredited

By the Trinity Company Unlimited,

Christ’s redemption gives them authority

For they have been in-Spirited


This is at the essence of God’s call,

An ordination for each believer,

A qualification given to one and all,

An endorsement for service from our Creator


Scholarship credentials have a place

In God’s great Kingdom service,

However, the scholar and apostle Paul

Was challenged by the risen Jesus


He was shown that intelligence alone

Registered  deficiency,

Wisdom and learning is seen as barren

 Unable itself to attain proficiency


Only the wisdom of the Holy Spirit

Can impart full revelation

Of things divine and God’s way of thinking,

For divinely approved accreditation


Philippians three is Paul’s testimony

Of his own accreditation,

Once qualified by a Rabbi’s Degree

He received God’s own benediction


He heard the call; he renounced all gain;

He relinquished self-reputation,

Forgetting his own accomplishments

He claimed the gifts of redemption


He saw his call as qualification

For an apostolic function,

Not a potential that he developed,

Rather, by the Spirit’s unction


So, Samuel, Jeremiah, and Paul

Exploring the meaning of destiny

Found in the experience of a personal call

Their accreditation for ministry


However, there is one more thing to note,

The call brings with it an identity,

A gift that defines the person,

And the domain of his or her activity


With spiritual gifts, it is edification[2],

With ascension gifts, it is leadership[3],

In every case the accreditation

Is under the risen Christ’s Headship


He is the Source of true endorsement

He is the ultimate Fountainhead,

He is the One who issues credentials,

An authenticity from the Godhead 




[1] 1 Corinthians 1-2

[2] 1 Corinthians 12

[3] Ephesians 4:11