Only the Supernatural can save our Nation

Ron McGatlin

(permission granted for posting at Global Missiology, October, 2006)

'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' Says the LORD of hosts. Zec 4:6 If God is for us, who can be against us? Rom 8:31

Much of the world including the western world has departed from the supernatural spiritual God and turned to natural gods for provision and protection. The core of natural living is confidence or faith in our mental and physical abilities to provide all that is needed to sustain and fulfill life. The core of supernatural living is confidence or faith in spiritual supernatural God to provide all that is needed to sustain and fulfill life.

Progressively through history the nations of the western world developed many gods in an attempt to provide what the one true God could and would have provided. God in His wisdom and mercy is allowing mankind to exhaust every possibility of seeking to make our other gods work for us. Further, we have added the hypocrisy of token affection and allegiance to the true God while serving others and thus have hastened the end of our foolish attempt to replace the one true God with those of our own making.

The end of our foolishness is in sight.

We as western nations have separated ourselves from the provision and protection of God by seeking after many natural gods such as immoral pleasure, sports, riches, power, intellectual supremacy, and all that fulfills the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. The western world that should have been the "Israel of God" bringing forth Christ to the developing world and leading the world to the reality of the supernatural spiritual God, has come to its end. Multitudes who should have been the priest and kings of God have become like the base animals, doing that which pleasures the flesh and defending their independence from God and their right to choose their deviate perversions and serve their natural gods. Aligning with natural gods has invited the evil occult and psychic powers to invade the western world.

In the midst of this prevailing darkness there is a growing nucleus who are not bowing the knee to the gods of this world. They refuse to be a part of the foolishness and continue to seek the true supernatural spiritual God with their whole hearts. The only hope of survival of the nations of the western world is that this spiritual seed of Christ will supernaturally mature and permeate the culture of the west, changing it into the

kingdom of God. God is pouring out His Spirit on the children and young people who will come to Him. These can become the seed who will release the supernatural power of God to change the world. This generation can be the one to end our foolish journey and turn the world toward the New Jerusalem.

Only a supernatural move of God can save our nations.

The end of our journey will be our nations turning to the supernatural spiritual God or facing the severe chastening of this immanent day of the Lord. The kingdom of God is not in jeopardy and will be established in the earth. It is us, our nations, who are in jeopardy. Nations have been weighed in the balances and are found foolish and wanting. A mighty people are being raised against the western world. Without a supernatural intervention the verdict will be carried out. The severe chastening of the LORD will destroy the evil to preserve and protect the seed of the kingdom of God on the earth and to allow it to come forth.

Our natural gods will not save our nations. All the psychic forces, all the intelligence, all the military might and power we can call forth from our other gods will be of no help against the forces coming against our nations. The core strength of a nation is its righteousness - rightly aligning with the one true God and His right ways of being and doing. The hearts of the people are made strong by following the leadership of the Spirit. Purity and holiness cause people to be powerful and wise. Seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness leads to victory and great accomplishments for good in the world. In contrast, the foolishness of following the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life weakens the hearts of the people and the nation and leads to defeat and death.

Jer 2:27-29: .... For they have turned their back to Me, and not their face. But in the time of their trouble They will say, 'Arise and save us.' But where are your gods that you have made for yourselves? Let them arise, If they can save you in the time of your trouble; For according to the number of your cities Are your gods, O Judah. "Why will you plead with Me? You all have transgressed against Me," says the LORD.

Much of the world has moved so far from God that the ways of God seem as utter foolishness to them, and the ways of lust and pride seem completely natural and good in their darkened minds. Sexual immorality and perversion are seen as normal and good. Having sex and dating are the same to them. Men and women living together unmarried is natural and good. Sex with a same sex person seems a viable option and reasonable to them. Violence seems exciting and fun. They are like natural brute beast without conscious, biting and devouring one another over the meat of the kill or the proceeds of the ill-gotten gain or the oil of the earth. We are not speaking of only the underworld of society. We are speaking of the attitude and beliefs of college graduates, the rich and

famous, the educated and the ignorant alike.

2 Pet 2:12: But these, like natural brute beasts made to be caught and destroyed, speak evil of the things they do not understand, and will utterly perish in their own corruption,

By all natural standards it is already too late for the nations of the western world to be saved. Like all great nations of history their time has come to an end. The natural reality is that their corruption has brought them down. The great experiment of democracy has proven that only a godly people can actually rule themselves. Freedom belongs to the people of God and will not be sustained by a corrupt nation. Attempts to twist God's arm in prayer to spare our corrupt nations will not be fruitful. Corruption does not inherit incorruption. This corruption must put on incorruption. Pray for our nations to become the kingdom of God and the glory of God to cover the people and the land.

Salvation of the nations of the western world now rest only in the supernatural.

If God were for our nations none could stand against us. If we were nations of God's people seeking and serving Him with our whole hearts the supernatural power of heaven would be with our nations. God would raise up leaders like Joshua, Gideon, and others. And would supernaturally give them wise strategies and work with them to encourage and empower the people and all the nations of the world could not overtake the nations whose God is the Lord.

Psa 33:12: Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, The people He has chosen as His own inheritance.

Psa 33:16-17: No king is saved by the multitude of an army; A mighty man is not delivered by great strength. A horse is a vain hope for safety; Neither shall it deliver any by its great strength.

Psa 33:18-22: Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him, On those who hope in His mercy, To deliver their soul from death, And to keep them alive in famine. Our soul waits for the LORD; He is our help and our shield. For our heart shall rejoice in Him, Because we have trusted in His holy name. Let Your mercy, O LORD, be upon us, Just as we hope in You.

Psa 34:1: I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.

FATHER, we call upon You in the name of Jesus. We come before Your throne of mercy and grace. We receive Your mercy and grace. We ask for a supernatural outpouring of your Spirit and power throughout the western world to transform the people. We ask, Father, for a spirit of repentance to grip our nations that will rend the hearts of the multitudes. Show Yourself strong and mighty in the face of the people of our nations. Block the way of the foolish and open the resources of heaven to burn away the evil in hearts and minds. We choose You, Father. We honor You, praise You, worship You, and we turn from all other gods to You alone.

In the name of Jesus, we push back the darkness and foolishness covering the minds and hearts of the people and proclaim Your light flowing into the hearts of men, women, and children across the lands. Father, take possession of all that is Yours and lift up a mighty standard of truth in your people. Father, send leaders to help us to change and be encouraged and empowered to become the true apple of Your eye, Your New Jerusalem on earth. Move upon Your people in every land across the world to turn fully to You and seek You and Your kingdom with our whole hearts. Let Your righteousness prevail and all else be put down forever and ever, Amen and Amen

Keep on Pursuing Love, It Will Never Fail,