Enoch Wan
Published in Global Missiology, July 2014, @
What is IDS?
l The Institute of Diaspora Studies (“IDS”) at Western Seminary is a joint effort of researchers and practitioners seeking to understand and minister to the people of diaspora
l Those who are working through the diaspora
What for?
l The “mission” of IDS is to investigate the effective communication of the Gospel among the people of diaspora and through their networks to regions beyond.
l Co-sponsored “Global Diaspora Missiology Consultation”
- Nov. 2006 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
When was it launched?
l IDS-Asia was launched in June 2007 in Manila at the commencement of the Alliance Graduate School in Manila by Enoch Wan and Sidiri Joy Tira.
l IDS-USA was launched at Western Seminary by way of offering two summer courses at Western Seminary in 2007. The two courses are as follows:
1) “Case Studies of Diaspora Missiology: Jew, Chinese and Filipino on the Move”
- Dr. Enoch Wan., Dr. Twovya Zaretsky and Dr. Joy Tira
(D.Miss. level – 3 credits)
2) “Business as Transformation: Principles and Practice of Holistic Mission”
-- Dr. Ted Yamamori (M.A. or D.Miss. level – 3 credits)
l Hosted the ASSOCIATES FOR DIASPORA, LCWE, January 3-5, 2008 in Portland, OR
l “The Mission to Hindus in Diaspora” – Dr. Atul Aghamkar, summer 2009
(D.Miss. 3 credits)
For more information about IDS: please contact Dr. Enoch Wan, Director of IDS
at 503-517-1804 or e-mail
(Available @ - CreateSpace Store / BOOK)
l It began in 2009 with Enoch Wan’s Diaspora Missiology: Theory, Methodology and Practice (2011, AVAILABLE AT @ which is the foundational piece of the series. While broad in scope and inclusive of theoretical underpinnings of the field, it also seeks to provide practical tools in research and practice with illustrative case studies. (Note: In the revised edition of 2014, there is extensive discussion on “managerial missiology” and in comparison to “diaspora missiology”)
l Other entries in the series are designed to build upon the 1st book in three distinct ways:
1. Add in-depth knowledge and ministerial understanding of specific diaspora group as
case study;
2. Practically illustrate the theory, research method and ministry strategy delineated in
the 1st volume of the series;
3. Explore new strategy and practice in diaspora ministry and diaspora missions beyond
the 1st volume of the series.
l Scattered Africans Keep Coming by Yaw Attah Edu-Bekoe and Enoch Wan
CreateSpace Store / BOOK
(Available @ - CreateSpace Store / BOOK)
Other entries are listed below, including published words and those in progress:
l Mobilizing Vietnamese Diaspora for the Kingdom by Enoch Wan and Thanh Trung Le
l The 2011 Triple Disaster in Japan and the Diaspora: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward. By
Enoch Wan and Elton S. L. Law
l Church Planting among Immigrants in US
Urban Centers: Engaging Chinese Diaspora in the Ministry of Bible Translation. By Enoch Wan & Anthony Casey
l Wandering Jews and Scattered Sri Lankans: Understanding Sri Lankan Diaspora in the GCC Region Through the Lens of OT Jewish Diaspora. By Enoch Wan & Ted Rubesh.
l Missional Ecclesiology for Korean Diaspora. By Enoch Wan & Paul Choi
l Engaging Chinese Diaspora in the Ministry of Bible Translation. By Enoch Wan & Jeremiah Chung.