Observations on: The Mission Bible Commentary: The Gospel According to Luke & The Acts of the Apostles by Paul Bruns

Published by Mission Nation Publishing, Inc. (ISBN 978-0-9966779-5-0)


Reviewed by Enoch Wan


Published in www.GlobalMissiology.org  April 2017




The Mission Bible Commentary http://missionnationpublishing.com/


Communicating deep truth in simple language is by no means an easy task. Seasoned missionary and competent scholar, Paul Bruns, took up the challenge in completing the book project - The Mission Bible Commentary: The Gospel According to Luke & The Acts of the Apostles. For the sake of the intended readership (non-English speaking) and the explicit purpose (providing a mission-based commentary), the author had succeeded so; though maintaining to be technically correct.

The author operated on a theological assumption: “All of Scripture reveals the mission-heart of God and his mission-plan.” Inductively, the author engaged in an intensive inductive study of the texts of Luke-Act by a mission-focused perspective to produce a list of mission principles in two categories: mission messages (MM) and mission imperative (MI). Hence the following schema became a helpful tool to organize comments throughout the volume:


NAME               LABEL                      DEFINITION           

Ø  mission messages        MM                 Mission Messages that Christians proclaim

Ø  mission imperative      M I                  Mission imperatives that Christians obey


Bruns used this simple approach to successfully produce a unique mission-based commentary that is user-friendly for the edification of the saints and education of laity to be mobilized to carry out the Great Commission.

This is the first volume in the series by which the author wants to provide mission-based commentaries, highlighting the message of mission embedded in the books of the Bible and being helpful to Christians who are to obediently carry out the mission imperatives.