We are living on the crest of a wave that could be called A NEW ADVENTURE IN CHRISTIAN MISSIONS!

It Is the 21st Century! We are Christians in the 21st Century! People all over the world are moving all over the world. Many of these people are displaced by war, famine, political and religious oppression, and a variety of personal reasons showing their pursuit of a “better life.”

People who are moving and scattered around the world away from their homelands constitute diasporas. Diaspora is a word used for people groups that are displaced from the lands of origin or even cities of origin. However, many if not most of the people who scatter around the world will not necessarily be displaced from their beliefs and cultural characteristics. They take them with them wherever they go, just as you and I would do with our beliefs. In this Diaspora Journal you will be provided with a variety of weblinks, both Christian and non-Christian. You will find useful materials for your research, your studies, and for your outreaches to the vast and varied Diasporas around your locale.

The Diaspora Journal originated with the vision of Enoch Wan, PhD. Our innovative, courageous, passionate brother in Christ has started this Journal to provide a unique resource to the Body of Christ for reaching the Diasporas around the world. It is now being expanded to meet more needs as they arise.



Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, Peeters Online Journals, Volume 54, issue 1-2, 2002

Middle Eastern Christians and Migration, Migration of Middle Eastern Christians to Western Countries and Protestant Missionary Activities in the Middle East, The Challenge of the Diaspora as Reflected in a Coptic Sunday School, The Coptic Orthodox Religious Regimes in the Diaspora http://poj.peeters-leuven.be/content.php?journalcode=JECS&url=journal

The Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, (formerly Het Christelijk Oosten),Faculty of Theology, Periodical of the Institute of Eastern Christian Studies at Nijmegen in collaboration with the Faculty of Theology and the Institute of Early Christian and Byzantine Studies at the Catholic University of Leuven. It publishes studies and reports on the traditions and present-day situation of the Eastern and Oriental Christian churches in the Middle East, Central and Eastern Europe, and the Balkans, as well as on current developments in the Diaspora. http://www.theo.kuleuven.be/page/publjeast/

The Chris-Caba Journal, Christians Responding to Children Affected by AID, AIDS Viva Network, Volume V, No. 1, Spring, 2007. http://www.viva.org/?pageid=102

An internal diaspora has been created by the death of parents and families due to AIDS as they leave children behind.



Wan, Enoch, PhD - “Mission among the Chinese Diaspora - A case study of migration & mission” - http://missiology.org/missionchina/ChineseDiaspora-Missiology.pdf


Sikitari, Samuel A., “Missiological Presumption Of The Role Of Diaspora For A Modern Multicultural Society”, Asian Missiology, Vol. 1/No.1 (2007)

http://www.journal.asianmissiology.org/diaspora.pdf  MULTICULTURAL MINISTRY

Pantoja, Dann, Next Wave – "Multicultural Ministry in North America – An Immigrant Worker’s Journey” http://www.next-wave.org/may01/multicultural.htm



Medeiros, Elias, Evangelical Brazilian Diaspora - diasporamissiology@yahoogroups.com



Adherents.com - www.adherents.com

Census - http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/TMGeoSearchByListServlet?  dsname=PEP2001EST&lang=en&ts=55141348300

Justice for Immigrants - http://www.justiceforimmigrants.org/

North America People Groups Project - http://www.PeopleGroups.info  Refugee Highway - http://www.refugeehighway.net/

African Diaspora Central

Judiasm & Rastafarianism: A study of the Falashas, http://debate.uvm.edu/dreadlibrary/ebardfield.html  Brazilian Diaspora

Consulta Missionária da Diáspora Evangélica Brasileira - http://www.adiasporabrasileira.com

Sintese da 3a Consulta Missionária da Diáspora Evangélica Brasileira - http://www.adiasporabrasileira.com/alemanha_2006.htm

Iranian Diaspora

Worldwide Directory of Iranian/Persian Christian Churches - http://www.farsinet.com/icc/  Korean Diaspora

Korean Christian Internet Resources - http://members.aol.com/kcirkcir/

Polish Diaspora

Jaroszyska-Kirchmann, Anna D., The Exile Mission: The Polish Political Diaspora and Polish Americans, 1939-1956,



Canada’s Christian Community Online - http://www.christianity.ca/mission/global/2005/09.002.html  Diaspora Strategy by Dr. T.V. Thomas

Ethnic America Network – http://www.ethnicamerica.com  Ethnic Harvest - http://www.ethnicharvest.org/

Filipino International Network http://www.fin-online.org

The Lausanne Committee - http://www.lausanne.org/index.php

International Diaspora Network Organised with Sadiri “Joy” Tira named as its Senior Associate

Worldwide Christians - http://worldwide.christians.free.fr/english/3triumphantchurch/3triumphantchurch.html

South Asian

INDOlink - http://www.indolink.com/displayArticleS.php?id=051706093445  Disapora: Christian Evangelists target Hindu American Students

International Students

Campus Crusade International Student Ministries - www.bridgesinternational.com  Navigator's International Student Ministries - www.navigators.org/us/ministries/ism

Assemblies of God International Student Ministries - www.chialpha.com/ism

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod International Student Ministries - www.isminc.org  Association of Christians Ministering to Internationals - www.acmi-net.net  Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, International Student Ministries - www.ivcf.org/ism International Students, Inc. - www.isionline.org



_____, The New People Next Door, Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization, 2005.

ISBN: 0- 9550007-1-8 (Email: info@lausanne.org or horizonprinterspublishers@yahoo.com)


Alexander, George P., New Americans: The Progress of Asian Indians in America, Cypress, CA: P&P Enterprises, 1997. ISBN: 0-9653688-3-1

George, Sam, Understanding the Coconut Generation: Ministry to the Americanized Asian Indians, read online at www.coconutgeneration.com

Gidoomal, Ram and TV Thomas, Catalyst for Change, The South Asian Diaspora, South Asian Concern, Delhi, India,                                              2005. ISBN: 0-9550007-0-x (Email: horizonprinterspublishers@yahoo.com)


Pantoja, Jr., Luis, Sadiri Joy Tirea, and Enoch Wan, eds., Scattered: The Filipino Global Presence, Manila, Philippines: Life Changing Publishers, 2004. ISBN: 971-92796-9-9


_____, The New People Next Door, Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization, 2005. ISBN: 0-
9550007-1-8 (Email: info@lausanne.org or horizonprinterspublishers@yahoo.com)

Pillai, Rajendra K., Reaching the World in Our Own Backyard, Colorado Springs, CO: Waterbrook Press, 2003. ISBN: 1-57856-601-0



Judaism/Jewish People

Anti-Semitism and Holocost - http://www.cdn-friends-icej.ca/antiholo/guilt.html  South Asian

Understanding the Coconut Generation: Ministry to the Americanized Asian Indians, www.CoconutGeneration.com (read book online)



In Print:

American Bible Society

1865 Broadway

New York, NY 10023

Telephone: 212-408-1200

Website: http://www.bibles.com/

Bible Alliance

P. O. Box 1509

Bradenton, FL 33506

Telephone: 813-748-3031 (voice)

Ethnic Harvest Bibles in Your Language http://www.ethnicharvest.org/bibles/

Multi-Language Media P.O. Box 301

Ephrata, PA 17522.

Telephone: 717-738-0582 (voice)

mlminfo@multilanguage.com  www.multilanguage.com

International Bible Association 4740 S. Buckner Blvd.

P.O. Box 225646

Dallas, TX 75222-5646

Telephone: 214-388-5111 (voice/fax)]

International Bible Society (IBS)

P. O. Box 35700

Colorado Springs, CO 80935-3570

Telephone: 800-524-1588 (U.S. & Canada)

Hours: 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday (Mountain Time, U.S.)

719) 867-2700 (outside the U.S.)

Fax: 719-867-2870

Email: IBSDirectService@usa.ibs.org

Español: Para pedidos con tarjeta de crédito, llame al 800-2-Español (800-237-7266). Website: http://www.ibsdirect.com/t-about.aspx

On Cassette:

Aurora Ministries Audio Bibles for the Blind P. O. Box 621

Bradenton, FL 34206

Telephone: 941-748-3031

FAX: 941-748-2625

Website: http://www.audiobiblesfortheblind.org/


Jesus Film Project Jesus film in 1021 languages - http://www.jesusfilm.org/progress/translations.html

Gospel Tracts

Chick Publications P.O. Box 662

Chino, CA 91708-0662 Telephone:



Armenian Missionary Association of America - http://www.cacc-sf.org/m-missions.html  Asia Harvest - http://www.asiaharvest.org

Disciple the Nations - http://www.disciplethenations.org/index7.html (refugees) Ethnic America Network www.ethnicamerica.com

Ethnic Harvest - http://www.ethnicharvest.org/

International Students Ministries

Association of Christians Ministering among Internationals http://www.acmi-net.net

Intervarsity Christian Fellowship http://www.ivcf.org/ism

International Students, Inc. http://www.isionline.org

Mosaix Global Network - http://www.mosaix.info/resources.html

SEAM International http://www.seamla.org

South Asian Ministries

Coconut Generation - www.CoconutGeneration.com

Sam George Blog www.cocogen.wordpress.com

Cell Phone - (847)-372-2786

Naya Javeen at http://www.nayajeevan.org/ - A website for helping South Asians adjust to life in North America.

Parivar International - http://www.parivarinternational.org/NewSite/Default.aspx South Asian Connection - Annual Report on South Asians in 2003 Dr. T. V. Thomas





Ethnê to Ethnê Ethnê Prayer Resources in 17 Languages: Chinese, Spanish, English, French, Indonesian, Russian, Korean, Hindi, Portugese, German, Tagolag, Japanese, Swahili, Faroese, Bangla/Bengali, Tamil, Afrikaans - http://www.ethne.net/

Joel News International - http://www.joelnews.org/frontpage.htm

General Networking

Asia Harvest http://www.asiaharvest.org

Ethnic America Network http://www.ethnicamerica.com




CADENCE INTERNATIONAL/MILITARY DIASPORA OUTREACH - http://www.cadence.org/ministries/cfm/

CHINESE COORDINATION CENTER OF WORLD EVANGELISM/CCCOWE - http://www.cccowe.org/eng/http://www.cccowe.org/eng/

ETHNIC AMERICA NETWORK http://www.ethnicamerica.com  EVANGELICAL MISSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY - http://www.missiology.org/

EVERY CHILD MINISTRIES (African Children in the Diaspora) - http://www.ecmafrica.org/page.aspx?id=138256


Campus Crusade ISM - www.bridgesinternational.com

International Friendship Activities & Cultural Exchange - www.iface.org Int'l Student Ministries Canada - www.ismc.ca

Navigator's ISM - www.navigators.org/us/ministries/ism

Assemblies of God ISM - www.chialpha.com/ism

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod ISM - www.isminc.org

JEWS FOR JESUS - http://jewsforjesus.org/

KOREAN CHURCHES, CAMPUS FELLOWSHIPS, AND CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATIONS, (International, National, USA), http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~kevinlee/churches.html


History and Archives

Moving Here - Caribbean, Irish, Jewish and South Asian communities in England Black Presence: Asian and Black History in Britain 1500-1850

- Black and Asian history in Britain from 1500 to 1850

The CASBAH - Caribbean Studies and the history of Black and Asian peoples in the UK Pluralism Project - http://www.pluralism.com


______ ,Turning Wheel: The Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism: issue on Buddhists Consider Medical Ethics

(Spring 2002).

Shively, Donald H., Journal of Asian Studies, Association for Asian Studies, 1956.

The Filipino American Community Newspaper www.asianjournal.com

Journal of World History, The Indian Diaspora in Central Asia and Its Trade 1550-1900. By Scott Levi. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2002

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

The Concept of Diaspora as an analytical tool in the study of refugee communities http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a713680594~db=all



Polish Diaspora

Grondelski, hn M., Emigracia Polityczna, Washington, DC, November 15, 2004. http://www.amazon.com/Exile-Mission-Political-Diaspora  American/dp/0821415263/ref=siddpdp/103-8639163-8517414


Pavri, Jamshed. "Contributions of Zoroastrians to the North American Society." Presented at the 4th North American Zoroastrian Congress in Montreal, April 10-11, 1982.


India Tribune - http://www.indiatribune.com/index.aspx?EditionDate=


Jewish Diaspora

The Longing: The Forgotten Jews of South America, Gabriela Bohm, Israel, USA, 2006. Contact The Jewish and Community Research and Be’Chol Lashon in San Francisco.


Interfaith Family Web Magazine: Conversion www.InterfaithFamily.com  Pluralism Project http://www.pluralism.org

Resources of World Council of Churches http://www.wcc-coe.org/wcc/what/interreligious/cd33-09.html  http://www.wcc-coe.org/wcc/what/international/uprooted/cambroch.html

http://www.wcc-coe.org/wcc/what/international/uprooted/upindex.html (Quarterly Newsletter)

Diasporas, Ethnographic and Demographic Information

Migrations General

Amnesty International - http://web.amnesty.org/pages/refugees-index-eng

Center for Immigration Studies - http://www.cis.org/topics/currentnumbers.html

Human Rights Watch - http://hrw.org/

Immigrants, German Influence, and Early Settlers - http://www.serve.com/shea/germusa/geneal.htm

Migration Information Sources -

http://www.migrationinformation.org/GlobalData/ (with list of helpful links; fresh thought, authoritative data with searchable global data by country & glossary)

Refugees International - http://www.refintl.org/

Refugee Protection http://www.migrationpolicy.org/research/refugee.php

Refugee Voices - http://refugees.org/article.aspx?id=1111&subm=19&ssm=31&area=Investigate  The WWW Virtual Library on Migration and Ethnic Relations - provides links to a range of related sites

The Transnational Communities Programme - site provides links to other sites on migration, ethnicity and Diaspora studies

UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees http://www.unhcr.org/home.html  United States Refugee Program - http://refugees.g/article.aspx?id=1089

US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants - http://refugees.org/

US Department of State - Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration http://www.state.gov/g/prm/

US Immigration News http://www.usimmigrationsupport.org/news.html?NScid=84&gclid=CKOmjNfYxI4CFROFhgod32aCA

World Refugee Survey - http://refugees.org/article.aspx?id=1941&subm=19&ssm=29&area=Investigate  African Diaspora

Dread History: The African Diaspora: Ethiopianism, and Rastafari  http://web.cocc.edu/cagatucci/classes/hum211/linksDiaspora.htm  http://www.pambazuka.org/index.php?category=News%20from%20the%20Diaspora

Africana  - Provider of African-American daily news and educational resources and home of Microsoft's Encarta Africana. From:www.africana.com/




http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/africa/cuvl/Diaspora.html  http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/africa/cuvl/afroambiog.html  http://www.coloradocollege.edu/Dept/HY/HY243Ruiz/Research/diaspora.html

Bi-lingual (English & French) Pan Africa news update http://allafrica.com/

African-Caribbean Diaspora

The Windrush web site, focuses on the African-Caribbean immigrants

Caribbean Communities in Europe (CACOEU) the Caribbean in Europe.

VICS: The Virtual Institute of Caribbean Studies  Development and Study of the Caribbean Region Society for Caribbean Studies (UK) for education and research about the Caribbean Diasporas. African Diaspora Central

ASWAD, Association for the Study of Worldwide African Diaspora,

http://www.grad.cgu.edu/~ruffinh/africanDiasporacentral/ (News Engines and Online Papers; Politics, Law, Labor, and Living; Sports. Daily Concerns) Essay, images, and terminology. From: www.educate.si.edu/migrations/rasta/rasta.html

The African , Ethiopianism, and Rastafari, Dread Library with various writings Armenian Diaspora

Conference Official Web Site. Information on ADC projects, business and economic news and reviews, useful links and more about...

From: http://www.armeniaDiaspora.com/



http://www.armembassycanada.ca/Diaspora/Diaspora.htm  www.armeniaDiaspora.com/

Arab Diaspora http://www.arabinfoseek.com/arabDiaspora.htm

Asian (General) Diaspora http://www.time.com/time/asia/2003/journey/graphics/migrationmap.html

Baha’i Diaspora

Baha’i International Library - http://www.bic-un.bahai.org/

Baha’i World News Service - http://news.bahai.org/

Houston Baha’i Community - http://www.houstonbahai.org/

The Baha’i Faith - http://www.bahai.us/

The Baha’i World – International Webite of the Baha’i Faith - http://www.bahai.org/  Belarusian Disapora


Buddhist Diaspora

Buddhist Studies at LIC Berkeley - http://buddhiststudies.berkeley.edu/people/facultyprofiles.html

Conference on the Study of Chinese Buddhism - http://www.warren­wilson.edu/~hlye/CSCBabstracts7.htm

International Congress on Buddhist Women’s Role in Sangha Bhikshuni Vinaya and Ordination Lineages - http://www.congress-on-buddhist-women.org/index.php?id=3

Tibetan Buddhism in Diaspora - http://www.damtsig.org/articles/diaspora.html  Chinese Diaspora


The Chinese Diaspora site is a general site on the Chinese Diaspora with links to other sites.

The Centre for the Study of the Southern Chinese Diaspora (CSCSD) Sino-Southeast Asians and Sino-Australasians

International Conference on Literature of the Chinese Diaspora - http://www.conferencerecording.com/conflists/lit22.htm

Huayinet: Chinese overseas databank

Inter-Agency Committee on Chinese Overseas Databank, Singapore. Chinese Genealogy - http://www.legacy1.net/index.html



Filipino Diaspora & OFW (Overseas Filipino Workers)

Tanikalang Ginto www.filipinolinks.com Philippines : Filipino ...

www.filipinolinks.com/FilipinoDiaspora/  http://www.oovrag.com/~oov/

Greek Diaspora

http://www.greece.gr/GLOBALGREECE/index.htm  http://www.anemos.com/Diaspora/nep/  http://www.omogenia.com/newspaper/newsDiaspora.htm

Haitian Diaspora

http://www.teleDiaspora.com/Links.htm  http://www.haiti-usa.org/modern/evolution.php  http://www.hmtcc.org/Diaspora.html

Hispanic Diaspora http://www.motherjones.com/news/feature/2000/07/Diaspora.html  http://www.iesfonline.org/hispanic%20Diaspora.htm

Italian Diaspora


Border Incidents · Other Borders Diaspora ... Altreitalie: A Website for the Study of Italian Migrations (English & Italian)

Irish Diaspora



Irish & Scottish


Jain Diaspora

Jainism Global Resource Center - http://www.jainworld.com/ Jewish Diaspora

AISH - http://www.aish.com/

Beth Hatefutsoth Museum of the Jewish People - a museum about both Diaspora and Israeli Jewish...www.bh.org.il/ - Beyond the Pale: The Jewish Diaspora and Israel - 1 The Jewish Diaspora and Israel. Roman soldiers carrying off the Menorah... CONT) Map: The Jewish Diaspora ...

www.friends-partners.org/partners/beyond-the-pale/english/04.html - Jews:  As political

aspirations subsided, the Jewish community was increasingly led by scholars and rabbis.

From: www.kids.infoplease.lycos.com/ce6/society/A0859040.html

Beyond the Pale - http://www.friends-partners.org/partners/beyond-the-pale/english/04.html Gesher-berlin.org - http://www.gesher-berlin.org/

Highbeam Encyclopedia - http://www.encyclopedia.com/html/section/JewsDiaspora.asp

Internet Jewish History Sourcebook Diaspora Religious Developments. The Conflict with Rome ... Greco-Roman Egypt [Website] Religious Developments. WEB Old Testament... www.fordham.edu/halsall/jewish/jewishsbook.html

From: www.kids.infoplease.lycos.com/ce6/society/A0859040.html

- migration, diaspora, refugee, ethnic relations

Israel My Beloved - http://www.israelmybeloved.com/channel/historyprophecy/section/diasporai  and http://www.israelmybeloved.com/channel/historyprophecy/section/diasporaii

Livius - http://www.larp.com/legioxx/holyland.html

Washington State University - http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~dee/HEBREWS/DIASPORA.HTM  Latin American Resources

·            African/Latin American Social Science Research Cooperation Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales - CLASCO

·            afrolatino.com La Conexión Afrolatina

·            ArtMattan Productions See Latin American Films & Shorts

·            Bembe Records Afro-Latin Music

·            Bibliography on People African Ancestry in Latin America (pdf file)  Inter-American Development Bank

·            Blacks in Latin America and the Caribbean: Selected Bibliographic Sources

·            Creativity and Resistance: Maroon Cultures in the Americas Maroon Community Voices and Background Information

·            Diaspora Bibliography: Latin America U.C. Berkeley

·            Electronic Guide to the West Indian Diaspora in Middle America Dr. Ronald N. Harpelle

·            The Estevanico Society

·            Foro de las Americas Por la diversidad y la pluralidad

·            Global Afro Latino and Caribbean Initiative Hunter College

·            Mundo Afro-Latino

Neolithic Diaspora in Europe http://www.princeton.edu/~bogucki/saa1997.html

Palestinian Diaspora



SHAML Palestinian Diaspora and Refugee Centre


http://www3.uj.edu.pl/Polonia/  Romania

http://marinel.net/romania/romDiaspora.html  http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/6685/romania/romdiaspora.html



Slovak Diaspora


South Asian & Indian Diaspora


http://vtc.ngfl.gov.uk/docserver.php?docid=6423  www.lib.berkeley.edu/SSEAL/SouthAsia/Diaspora.html  http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/southasia/Diaspora/diaspora.html

Bibliography of the South Asian Diaspora and East Africa: an annotated bibliography -

http://coombs.anu.edu.au/Biblio/bibliosasiaDiaspora.html  http://www.samarmagazine.org/archive/keyword.php?id=24 The Centre for Applied South Asian Studies -

Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities within Britain

The South Asian Diaspora Literature and Arts Archive (SALIDAA) - a digital archive South Asian Diaspora - database for research on South Asian Diaspora

SAWNET (South Asian Women% NETwork) - a forum for South Asian women's issues SAJA Stylebook for Covering South Asia & the South Asian Diaspora ?  Hindi and Hindu http://www.msn.co.in/nri/indianDiaspora/Default.asp

Western Indian Diaspora - http://www.lakeheadu.ca/~sojourners/Diaspora/Diaspora.html  http://www.indianest.com/spirituality/041.htm  http://www.lib.washington.edu/southasia/guides/diaspora.html

Sudanese in Diaspora


Tatar Diaspora


Tibetan Diaspora




Vikings Diaspora


Diaspora Quick Links

·              African Diaspora Studies Links

·              African Diaspora (Universal Black Pages)

·              African Diaspora Links (Columbia U.)

·              Belonging and Diaspora: The Chinese and the Internet

·              Music from Africa and the African Diaspora

·              Mapping Africa: Africa and the Diaspora Movement

·              Anasazi Diaspora

·              Armenian Diaspora

·              Barnard Project on Diaspora and Migration

·              Cyborg Diaspora and Virtual Imagined Community

·              Cybernauts of the Arab Diaspora

·              Diaspora: A Journal in Transnational Studies

·              Diaspora Polska

·              Dread History: The African Diaspora, Ethiopianism, and Rastafari

·              Baganda in the Diaspora

·              La Diaspora Bretonne

·              Chinese Diaspora

·              Diaspora Jews, Romans, Others in The Greek Style Cities of the First Century Crimea

·              Geography of Chinese Peoples

·              Filipino Diaspora

·              Greek Diaspora

·              Greek Diaspora Factbook

·              Hellenic Diaspora

·              Hmong Diaspora

·              International Migration

·              Iranian Diaspora, Pre-Islamic

·              Jewish Diaspora History

·              Beth Hatefutsoth, the Nahum Goldman Museum of the Jewish Diaspora

·              Reversed Dtaspora: Russian Jewry the Transition in Russia and the Migration to Israel

·              Irish Centre for Migration Studies

·              Irish Diaspora Studies

·              Indian Diaspora

·              Mexican Diaspora

·              The New Era of Mexican Migration to the United States

·              Migrations: Humanity in Transition

·              The New Moslem Diaspora

·              Neolithic Diaspora in Europe

Palestine Diaspora

·            Palestinian Diaspora and Refugee Centre

·            Patrin Web Journal - Romani (Gypsy) Culture & History

·            Persian Diaspora

·            Ukranian Diaspora by Region

·            Shankill Diaspora

·            Slovaks Abroad and the Diaspora

·            South Asian Diaspora

·            South Asian Diaspora literature in English

·         Tatar Diaspora outside the Republic of Tatarstan

·         The Construction of Diasporic Cultural Identity

·            Berlin Turks and Hip Hop Youth Culture

·            Migration Dialogue, Migration News & Rural Migration News

·            Migration and Ethnicity on H-Net

·            Romanian Diaspora - Diaspora Românã

·            Romanian Diaspora Coronita

·            Project Diaspora: Study of the Vietnamese Overseas

·         The Viking Diaspora




Fludernik, Monika, Diaspora and Multiculturalism, New York: Rodopi, 2003. ISBN: 9042009063

Gudykunst, William B., and Young Yun Kim, Communicating with Strangers, An Approach to Intercultural Communication, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003. ISBN: 0-07-232124-5

Kokot, Waltraud, Diaspora, Identity and Religion: New Directions in Theory and Research, Morey, Peter, Rohinton Mistry,


Neubeboren, Jay, News from the New American Diaspora and other Tales of Exile, Texas: University of Texas Press, 2005. ISBN: 0292706628

Asian Diaspora (General)

Richardson, E. Allen, East Comes West, Asian Religions and Cultures in North America, Cleveland, OH: The Pilgrim Press, 1985. ISBN: 0-8298-0480-3

Zia, Helen, Asian American Dreams, The Emergence of an American People, New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2000. ISBN: 0-374-52736-9

Chinese Diaspora

Goodrich, Luther Carrington, A Short History of the Chinese People, NY, Courier Dover Publications, 2002. Hmong Diaspora

Fadiman, Anne, The Spirit Catches You and Your Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures, New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1997. ISBN: 0-374-26781-2

Hendricks, Glenn L., Bruce T. Downing, and Amos S. Deinard, The Hmong in Transition, New York: The Center for Migration Studies of New York, Inc., 1986 ISBN: 0-913256-94-3

Lewis, Judy, Minority Cultures of Laos: Kammu, Lua, Lahu, Hmong, and Iu-Mien, Rancho Cordova, CA: Southeast Asian Community Resource Center, 1992. ISBN: 1-682-337-02-8

Tapp, Nicholas, Jean Michaud, Christian Culas, and Gary Yia Lee, Hmong/Miao in Asia, Chiang Mai, Thailand: Silkworm Books, 2004. Email: silkworm@loxinfo.co.th URL: www.silkwormbooks.info ISBN: 974-9575-01-06

Iu-Mien Diaspora

Lewis, Judy, Minority Cultures of Laos: Kammu, Lua, Lahu, Hmong, and Iu-Mien, Rancho Cordova, CA: Southeast Asian Community Resource Center, 1992. ISBN: 1-682-337-02-8

Jewish Diaspora

Asa-El, Amotz, The Diaspora And The Lost Tribes Of Israel, Westport, CT: Hugh Lauter Levin Associates, 2004. ISBN-10: 0883636042

Aviv, Caryn and David Shneer, New Jews: The End of the Jewish Diaspora, New York: NYU Press, 2005. ISBN-10: 0814740189

Bauman, Mark, Dixie Diaspora: An Anthology of Southern Jewish History, Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press, 2006. ISBN-10: 0817352910

Biale, David, Michael Galchinsky, and Susannah Heschel, eds., Insider/Outsider: American Jews and Multiculturalism, San Francisco: University of California Press, 1998. ISBN-10: 0520211227

Comay, Joan, The Diaspora Story: The Epic of the Jewish People Among the Nations, New York: Random House, 1983. ISBN-10: 0517407523

Levine, Allen, Scattered Among the Peoples: THE JEWISH DIASPORA IN TWELVE PORTRAITS, Ontario, Canada: Overlook TP, 2003. ISBN-10: 1585673579

Ross, James R., Fragile Branches: Travels through the Jewish Diaspora, New York: Penguin Books, Riverhead Trade, 2001. ISBN-10: 1573228958

Ruggiero, Kristin,  The Jewish Diaspora In Latin America And The Caribbean: Fragments Of Memory, East Sussex, UK: Sussex Academic Press, 2005. ISBN-10: 1845190610

Tobin, Diane and Gary A. Tobin, In Every Tongue: The Racial & Ethnic Diversity of the Jewish People, San
Francisco: Institute for Jewish and Community Research, 2005. ISBN-10: 1893671011

Wettstein Howard, Diasporas and Exiles: Varieties of Jewish Identity, Berkley, CA: University of California Press, 2002. ISBN-10: 0520228642

Kmhmu Diaspora

Lewis, Judy, Minority Cultures of Laos: Kammu, Lua, Lahu, Hmong, and Iu-Mien, Rancho Cordova, CA: Southeast Asian Community Resource Center, 1992. ISBN: 1-682-337-02-8

Simana, Suksavang and Elizabeth Preisig, Kmhmu’ Livelihood, Vientienne, Laos: Institute for Cultural Research, 1997. In Laotian and English languages.

Lahu Diaspora

Lewis, Judy, Minority Cultures of Laos: Kammu, Lua, Lahu, Hmong, and Iu-Mien, Rancho Cordova, CA: Southeast Asian Community Resource Center, 1992. ISBN: 1-682-337-02-8

Lua Diaspora

Lewis, Judy, Minority Cultures of Laos: Kammu, Lua, Lahu, Hmong, and Iu-Mien, Rancho Cordova, CA: Southeast Asian Community Resource Center, 1992. ISBN: 1-682-337-02-8

Polish Diaspora

Dolan, Sean, Polish Americans, New York: Chelsea House Publications, 1988. ISBN-10: 0791002748

Jaroszyska-Kirchmann, Anna D., The Exile Mission: The Polish Political Diaspora and Polish Americans, 1939-1956, Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2006. ISBN-10: 0821415271

Lopata, Helena Z., Polish Americans, Edison, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1994. ISBN-10: 1560001003

Stachura, Peter, The Poles in Britain, 1940-2000: From Betrayal to Assimilation, London: Routledge, 2004. ISBN-10: 0714684449

Wandycz, Piotr, The Price of Freedom: A History of East Central Europe from the Middle Ages to the Present, London: Routledge, 2001. ISBN-10: 0415254914

Zubrzycki, J., Polish Immigrants to Britain, New York: Springer Publishers, 1956. ISBN-10: 9024705096

Vietnamese Diaspora

VInh, Pham Kim, The Vietnamese Culture, An Introduction, Solana Beach, CA: The Pham Kim VInh Research Institute, 1994. ISBN: 1-882273-25-7



Richardson, E. Allen, East Comes West, Asian Religions and Cultures in North America, Cleveland, OH: The Pilgrim Press, 1985. ISBN: 0-8298-0480-3

EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Teaching English as a Second Language

California Teaching ESL: www.cetesol.org

English Spoken Here: patricia.swindle@gmail.com

Teaching English-as-a-Second Language: www.tesol.org

Great resource for those learning and those teaching: www.daveseslcafe.com TESOL Certification Courses:

Oxford Seminars: http://www.oxfordseminars.com/Tesol/Pages/ESL/teachenglishoverseas.php?region=US&ad=TESOL/TE  SL&id=3&num=23&page=7

University of Maine: http://www.umaine.edu/iei/coursesprograms/tesol.htm

University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee: http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/English/linguistics/certprograms.html


Research Centers and Institutions

The Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) - migration dynamics in the UK and EU

The Runnymede Trust - independent think tank on ethnicity and cultural diversity in Britain Institute of Race Relations

The Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations (CRER) race, migration and ethnic relations in UK The Sussex Centre for Migration Research  - http://www.sussex.ac.uk/migration/

The Refugees Studies Centre - http://www.rsc.ox.ac.uk/

European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations (ERCOMER) - international migration, ethnic relations, racism and ethnic conflict in European context http://www.onderzoekinformatie.nl/en/oi/nod/organisatie/ORG1238481/

The Institute of Global Cultural Studies - multi-disciplinary study of culture & migrants

The Center for Comparative Immigration Studies - an interdisciplinary, multinational research on international migration and refugee movements



The Centre for Immigration and Multicultural Studies diaspora studies in Australia