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Edited by Dr. John Jaeger - Dallas Baptist University


Published under ˇ§Review & Previewˇ¨ at www.globalmissiology.org, October 2007


Table of Contents


Accounting                                                                              1


Archaeology                                                                             2


Architecture                                                                              4


Art                                                                                           6


Astronomy                                                                               12


Banking                                                                                    12


Biology                                                                                    14


Book Reviews                                                                          19


Business                                                                                   20


Chemistry                                                                                 25


Communication                                                                        26


Computing and Technology                                                      31


Country Studies                                                                        36


Criminal Justice                                                                         39


Distance Education                                                                   40


Drama/Theater                                                                          42


Economics                                                                               43


Education                                                                                 45


English as a Second Language                                                   61


Ethics                                                                                       62


Ethnology/Anthropology                                                           65


Film                                                                                         68


Geography                                                                               69     


Geology                                                                                   70


Health and Medicine                                                                  74


Higher Education                                                                      80


History                                                                                     84


Human Resources                                                                     92


Humanities (General)                                                                 93


Law                                                                                          94


Leadership                                                                                97


Library and Information Science                                                100


Linguistics                                                                                110


Literature                                                                                  115


Management                                                                    125


Marketing                                                                                 127


Mathematics                                                                    127


Military                                                                                     135


Music                                                                                       137

Nursing                                                                                    140


Parapsychology                                                                        142


Philosophy                                                                               143


Physical Education                                                                    148


Political Science                                                                        151


Psychology                                                                              160


Religion                                                                                    163


Science (General)                                                                      174


Sociology                                                                                 176


Statistics                                                                                   182