From the Pen of Barb Winter



Ralph Winter



From: []
Sent: Fri 5/22/2009 11:17 PM
Subject: A New Permanent Address


Dear Family and Friends,

Wednesday evening, May 20 at
9:05 p.m. my beloved Ralph entered his heavenly home after battling the resurgence of the multiple myeloma that has plagued his body since 2002 and the lymphoma diagnosed in early February of this year.  Several mini strokes plus drop foot in both feet following his surgery in March complicated his recovery.

Three daughters (Beth visiting from
Detroit, Becky and Linda, both from Pasadena) and I were at Ralph's bedside singing "Great is Thy Faithfulness" and "I've Got a Mansion" when he died at home. Becky had arrived just 50 minutes before he died having been in Texas for a conference. Tricia, his youngest daughter living near Boston, had been here two weeks ago.

All day Tuesday and Wednesday staff members, neighbors and family came to say their good-byes and to share how Ralph had influenced their lives in so many ways through the Perspectives course, Mission Frontiers Bulletin, his other writings, etc.

Early Wednesday evening Ralph's younger brother, David, and his wife, Helene, arrived from
Santa Barbara.  They also brought his older brother, Paul, and his wife, Betty, who live in Pasadena but are unable to drive.  We had a precious family time for 90 minutes as we shared stories, looked at old photos, sang several hymns (I played the piano) and prayed together led by David. 

About fifteen minutes after Ralph died there were a dozen or more folks from our staff who poured into the living room sharing their love and tears with us. Word had gotten around the neighborhood quickly from one cell phone call to a grandson.  While Ralph's body was being prepared by the hospice nurse they moved to the front lawn, joined by still more folks, and sang hymns of victory over death, shared stories, read  Scripture and prayed as he was moved from the house to the waiting transport vehicle. 

Waves of grief continue to come, but also rejoicing that Ralph is free from the shackles of his earthly body.  The Executive Team, under the leadership of the new General Director of the Frontier Mission Fellowship whom Ralph named as his successor just two weeks ago, Dave Datema (and his wife Cathie), had been meeting in a retreat center Tuesday evening and all day and evening Wednesday.  Dave, as I was told, led the group in a time of closing prayer, expressing his expectation that Ralph would find his heavenly home to be beyond anything he could have imagined.  Ralph was headed there within minutes of Dave's prayer! 

(portion deleted at the request of Barb Winter on
June 19, 2009)

The second time down this path isn't any easier than the first, believe me.  My husband was a giant man of God, yet the most humble giant you could ever hope to meet.  He never stopped thinking of new approaches to fulfilling God's purposes here on earth, dictating two short articles just about two weeks prior to his death when he could barely speak. They will appear in print soon. "Retirement" was not in his vocabulary, nor in the Bible, he said.

I have again been blessed with a godly husband who also loved me and gave himself for me in every way possible. It was my privilege and an honor to be his helpmate.  I'm so thankful for our nearly seven good years of marriage and I treasure many wonderful memories of our life together at home and in many places around the world.  Through Ralph I have been privileged to meet numerous beautiful people in
Korea, Guatemala, Japan, Turkey, Singapore, Budapest, Amsterdam, and Thailand, plus in all the places where he has spoken in the U.S., mainly teaching Perspectives on the World Christian Movement classes.  We travelled because of him, but I am the one who likes to travel!  I added four daughters, four sons-in-law, 14 grandchildren and three more by marriage (soon to be four!) and one great granddaughter (soon to be two!) to my family, plus two brothers and two sisters-in-law.  How blessed can one woman be?

(portions deleted at the request of Barb Winter on
June 19, 2009)


Much love,



From: []
Sent: Wed 5/20/2009 10:32 AM
Subject: Update on Ralph Winter


Dear Friends,

Ralph entered hospice care at home yesterday afternoon.  He is currently on oxygen and pain medication with round-the-clock nursing care provided by hospice.  They have been wonderful, swiftly getting into action for the things he needed to be comfortable.

Monday we saw the oncologist who decided that due to his low white cell count not to give him his third radiation treatment for the myeloma lesions.  he ha also cancelled his Velcade chemo treatment last Thursday for the same reason.  Since Sunday evening he has not been able to eat or drink and has slept most of the time.  Quite a dramatic change from Friday and Saturday when he walked outside with his walker as well as around the house.  Friday evening he was still dictating thoughts in response to an article to his daughter, Beth, visiting from

Yesterday afternoon many of our staff folks came to say their good-byes and to share how Ralph had influenced them.  It was a beautiful time of grieving together- that sounds like an oxymoron, but for those who know the Savior, we only grieve the immediate separation.  So much happened in that one day I couldn't believe it!  I was weary but got to bed after meeting the nurse that came on at
midnight.  Beth came back to stay with her Dad from midnight on.  We will have friends or family with him while I sleep each night as well as the nurse on duty.

Thank you for your emails, notes and prayers.  Thank you also for continuing to walk with us "through the valley."

With much love and joy in the Lord's strength,














Published in the July 2009 issue of the multi-lingual online journal