Rabbi Stuart Dauermann,

Senior Scholar, Messianic Jewish Theological Institute



In 2008, I spoke at the U.S. Center for World Mission on the post-supersessionist missiological paradigm my friends and I favor.  This was new thinking, and in some ways, subversive of common presuppositions.  Ralph Winter attended.  I was struck with how riveted was his attention, and that a man of his stature would come to hear someone he had perhaps never heard of before.  


Like him I am an iconoclast, and I deeply appreciated his attention to and consideration of my views.  I have always admired people with a first class mind, and Dr Winter was certainly at the forefront of those I have known. 


For creativity, brilliance, and faith-filled boldness, he had and has few if any peers. 

 Rabbi Stuart Dauermann,

Senior Scholar, Messianic Jewish Theological Institute



Published in the July 2009 issue of the multi-lingual online journal www.GlobalMissiology.org