I see him, standing at the podium,

Composed, with no flamboyance,

With not the slightest trace

Of pretence or of confidence

In himself or any externality.

He was in touch with Infinity


I perceive, and then discern

A mind and heart that is dependent,

Not primarily on scholarship as such,

Rather a trust, a child-like wonderment,

Leaning on his Saviour Absolute,

He was sublimely resolute


He invited revelation

To descend into erudition,

Dignity and humility blended

In a wonderful coalition,

An embodiment of what he believed,

The messenger was the message beautifully achieved


I was one of thousands,

A beneficiary of his giftings

Attendance in his classes

Was an immersion so uplifting,

A redolence of heavenly worth

He brought it down to earth


Thank you, Paul, for being who you were.

In these twenty years since graduation

Your insights, foresights and tuition

Bringing with them transformation

Have drawn me closer to Jesus

And will go on doing so, posthumous


You live on.  Yes, in Heaven it is true,

But also in minds whose strings

Like an instrument plucked by a maestro

Quiver with awakenings,

The anointed fingering of your scholarship

Displays the Spirit’s workmanship




In you the person was the gift

From Christ the ascended Head;

Your classroom contributions

Nutrients, from which we fed,

Always showing implications

For cross-cultural communication


The human designed the microchip

For immense capacity,

Yet God has fabricated human nature

For an eternal destiny.

Humbling yourself like your Master, Paul,

God’s micro-processor to teach us all


Just like your esteemed namesake

You too dismissed all fame,

“I do not deserve to be called an apostle”,

 Were his words, but also went on to claim,

“By the grace of God I am what I am”

His glory was in God’s Lamb


But now you have done the ‘Paradise shift’!

To receive “your allotted inheritance”[1]

 All the ‘summa cum laudes’ that we give to you,

You will give to Jesus as your remittance

His is the Name that exceeds all lyrics

His is the fame beyond all panegyrics


So thank you, Paul, for gracing us all

We are the better for your commitment

To Jesus our Lord whom you loved so dearly

And from whom you received your anointment.

Your wisdom and knowledge with that of all sages

Will be part of the blessing of the Age of all ages.




                         Paul E. Grant

                              March 2007  Brisbane, Australia



Published in the special issue “A Memoriam of Paul G. Hiebert” April 1, 2007


[1] Daniel 12:13