A Renaissance Missiologist



Ralph Covell


Senior Professor of Missions, Denver Seminary and

Former Editor of Missiology


Senior Prof of Missions



During the 1980's I had the very special privilege of assisting Dr. Paul; Hiebert as he taught the course "Cross-Cultural Missiology" in the D.Min. in Missiology program at Denver Seminary.


As I listened to Paul teach and answer questions from the class---usually 15-20 students---the concept that kept coming into my mind was "here is a person with a renaissance mind teaching missiology."  Paul's presentations were never narrow---his thinking always embraced the whole academic spectrum.  The only term that I found to fit him was "here is a renaissance missiologist."  I have never had the privilege of knowing another teacher like him.





Published in the special issue “A Memoriam of Paul G. Hiebert”

www.globalmissiology.org April 1, 2007