Norm Allison

Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, Toccoa Falls College

Former President, Evangelical Missiological Society



I have known Paul Hiebert through his writings when he was a professor at Fuller School of World Mission, and later, personally through our meetings with the Evangelical Professors of Missions [now EMS] and as we met in various locations through the years.


It has been my joy to have Paul as a friend and colleague in Christian anthropology and in the training of students for cross-cultural ministry.  His reflection of the joy of the Lord in his life and his deep commitment to Scripture in his teaching of anthropology has served as a model for me since I came from missionary service in the Middle East, pursued a doctorate in anthropology at the University of Georgia, and taught at Toccoa Falls College for 30+ years.  


It was Paul who helped me "translate" secular anthropology into Christian anthropology, and I was always knowingly indebted to him for that valuable contribution to my life and ministry.   He has left a legacy for those who follow him which will be difficult to equal. 




Published in the special issue “A Memoriam of Paul G. Hiebert” April 1, 2007