Trinity and Mission


Editor’s note

In 2006, The “Global Connections Conference” was held on the theme

– “The role of the Godhead - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - in mission”


The outstanding papers have been categorized by the Editor of Global Missiology for listing in the April 1 2007 issue of

with permission granted by Vicky Calver, Strategic Development Manager of “Global Connections”



A conference designed to explore the Trinity and mission

"A timely reminder of the importance of having an adequate theological basis for mission and a great opportunity to be updated on trends and developments in mission practice."
Uel Marrs, Presbyterian Church in Ireland

Running on Empty logoThis Global Connections conference explored who God is - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - and how this understanding shapes what we do in mission. It aimed to go beyond defining terms and ask how our mission activity should change in the light of the God we serve.



I.                    GENERAL UNDERSTANDING

1.1   Trinity and mission talk(89kb)”


1.2   Trinity and mission handout(25kb)       D9BD2EE810F1/0/Excitecombinedfuelhandout.pdf


1.3   deepening our Trinitarian understanding(29kb)


II.                  SPECIFIC STUDY

2.1   God the Father in mission (89kb)”


2.2   God the Son in mission (109kb)”


2.3   God the Spirit in mission (111kb)”


2.4   incarnation talk (PowerPoint) (3321kb)”




If you interested in the purchase of all six audio CDs from the “Running on Empty?” conference 2006, please click below:

Buy CDs of talks on the Trinity and mission















Posted at April 1, 2007 with permission