Greg Waybright
Trinity International University

March 12, 2007



Dr. Paul Hiebert was one of the leading global Christians of the past century: missiologist, anthropologist, teacher of those who will "teach the nations" (Matthew 28:20), mentor to countless leaders in Christ-centered higher education throughout the world, thinker, encourager, husband, father, friend, follower of Jesus. He was one of those all-too-rare people who continued to learn and grow throughout his life. Thus, although he grew older physically, he always seemed young in his vitality, energy, and passion for God. In these past few years, to be in Paul's presence was to have the experience of being with one who was close to God.

Personally, few have encouraged me as much as Dr. Paul Hiebert. He would hear me talk about the establishing of Revelation 7:9 communities on this side of heaven that reflect the breadth and diversity of our Father's family and demonstrate to one another the justice, mercy, and humility of Christ. He would say to me, "Greg, this is not just your own idea born out of political correctness or marketing savvy. Remember that the theological motif behind this vision is the
kingdom of God. Where God reigns, the kind of community you speak about will come to be."

I had asked him to be the commencement speaker for the TEDS/TGS graduation exercises in May. Graciously, although he cannot be with us "in flesh," he has written his message to our upcoming graduates—and it will be read at the ceremonies. I'm sure it will be moving and will be characterized by the biblical wisdom that has been the mark of Dr. Hiebert's life and thought.











Originally published at

Posted at in the special edition of April 2007 with permission from the Office of the Academic Dean, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School