World Christian Resource Directory

Resources for missionaries and Christians worldwide

The purpose of this web site is to provide information and resources on how you can reach your world for Jesus and other useful information for Christians. This web site provides information on resources in many different languages. The resources are listed in alphabetical order. If you want to find the information you might want, you will have to scroll down :)

If you have any questions or need help finding the Christian resource you want, please contact

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Alphabetical Listing by Subject:


¡P     African American Resources

¡P     Air travel-saving money

¡P     Albanian Outreach Resources


¡P     Alternative Power Sources for Missionaries

¡P     American Indian Outreach Resources

¡P     Animistic Outreach Resources

¡P     Apologetics and Creation Resources

¡P     Appliances for Overseas, 220 Volt 50 Hertz Equipment

¡P     Architectural and Engineering Help

¡P     Atheist Outreach Resources

¡P     Aviation Ministry


¡P     Bible on cd, cd-rom, Video Bible

¡P     Bibles Online in different languages

¡P     Bible Studies online

¡P     Bible study materials - free

¡P     Bibles - places to buy

¡P     Bible Translation Resources

¡P     Books on Missions

¡P     Braille and Blind Outreach Resources

¡P     Brigada Autoresponder Files

¡P     Buddhist Outreach Resources

¡P     Burmese Outreach Resources

¡P     Burning Hell Video and Film


¡P     Catholic Outreach Resources

¡P     Cell Group Resources

¡P     Children's Evangelistic Games Online

¡P     Children's Outreach Resources

¡P     Chinese Christian Resources

¡P     Christian Audio Recordings Directory

¡P     Christian Books - you can Download

¡P     Christian CD-ROMs, DVD's and PowerPoint in Evangelism

¡P     Christian Clip Art

¡P     Christian DVDs

¡P     Christian Educators Resources

¡P     Christian Freeware and Shareware

¡P     Christian Legal Resources

¡P     Christian Microenterprise Development

¡P     Christian Online Games

¡P     Christian Screensavers

¡P     Christian Search Engines and Directories

¡P     Christian Software - Where to Buy

¡P     Christian Video Directory - in different languages

¡P     Chronological Bible Storing Resources

¡P     Church Web Site Resources

¡P     Church Management Software

¡P     Church Planting Resources

¡P     Cohabitation

¡P     Community Outreach Web Sites

¡P     Computer Program to Help with Bible Translation

¡P     Correspondence Courses

¡P     Correspondence Course - Student Database Software

¡P     Creation Web Sites

¡P     Cross Cultural Outreach Resources

¡P     Cult Outreach Resources


¡P     Deaf Resources

¡P     The Deputation Organizer

¡P     Devotionals Online

¡P     Disability Resources

¡P     Discipleship Resources

¡P     Displays for Missions

¡P     Donor Software for Missionaries

¡P     Drama, Mime, Theatre Resources


¡P     Email Listservices for Christians

¡P     Engineering Help

¡P     English Christian Video Directory

¡P     Evangelical Missions Quarterly Articles Online

¡P     Evangelism Resources

¡P     Evangelism Training and Soulwinning

¡P     Evangelistic Flash Sites and Christian Flash Sites


¡P     Family Resources

¡P     Family Safe Internet

¡P     Fathering Resources

¡P     Filmstrip Ministry

¡P     Financial Advice for Christians

¡P     Forums for Missionaries

¡P     French Christian Video Directory

¡P     French Outreach Resources

¡P     Fundraising for Missionaries


¡P     Gang Outreach Resources

¡P     George Patterson's Church Planting Guide

¡P     German Outreach Resources

¡P     God's Story Video/VCD for $6

¡P     Graphic Design At Low Cost

¡P     Grief and Loss Resources


¡P     Halloween Outreach Info and Resources

¡P     Homemakers Newsletter

¡P     House Church Resources

¡P     How to Have Great Teamwork

¡P     How to Prepare to Become a Missionary

¡P     How to Set Up a Christian Low Powered Radio Station

¡P     How to Write and Give Your Testimony


¡P     India Christian Video Directory

¡P     Indian (American) Outreach Resources

¡P     Indonesian Outreach Resources

¡P     Insurance for Missionaries

¡P     Inuit/Eskimo Outreach Resources


¡P     The "Jesus" Video in 646+ Languages

¡P     Jesus Video for less than $5.00 USD


¡P     Language Learning Resources

¡P     Leadership Resources


¡P     Mac Laptops At Special Prices For Missionaries

¡P     Maps and Statistical Information on Countries

¡P     Marriage Resources

¡P     Medical Missions Resources

¡P     Military Outreach to the Unreached

¡P     Ministry to Missionary Kids

¡P     Missions Database

¡P     Mission Handbook

¡P     Mission Lessons Online

¡P     Mission Mobilization Resources

¡P     Mission Mobilization Videos

¡P     Mission Trips - Short Term

¡P     Missionary Care Links

¡P     Missionary Furlough Resources

¡P     Missionary Fundraising

¡P     Missionary Reentry Resources

¡P     Missionary Resources Megasite

¡P     Missionary Supplies and Technology Resources

¡P     Missionary Training Resources

¡P     Missions Magazines on Short Term Missions

¡P     Movie Reviews Online - Christian

¡P     Multilingual International Christian Resources


¡P     New Computer Program Aids Bible Translators


¡P     Online Bible

¡P     Online Forum on Missionary Topics

¡P     Operation World Reference Book and CD

¡P     Outreach to Australians

¡P     Outreach to Internationals Resources

¡P     Outreach to Lepers

¡P     Overseas Shipping Resources


¡P     Partnership Resources

¡P     Pastor Resources Online

¡P     Patterson (George) Resources

¡P     Persecuted Church Resources

¡P     Perspectives on the World Christian Movement

¡P     Portuguese Outreach Resources

¡P     Portuguese Christian Video Directory

¡P     Prayer Card Printing

¡P     Pregnancy or Abortion Counselling

¡P     Preschool Ministry

¡P     Printed and Audio Resources in about 450 languages

¡P     Prison Ministry Resources

¡P     Puppet Ministry Resources

¡P     Puppet Scripts in English, Spanish, German and Italian


¡P     Redemptive Analogies

¡P     Russian Outreach Resources

¡P     Russian Christian Video Directory


¡P     Seaman Outreach and Ministry in Ships

¡P     Search Engine Information

¡P     Sending Church (How to be an effective)

¡P     Sexual Purity Online Resources

¡P     Short Term Missions Resource Directory

¡P     Shortwave Radio Information

¡P     16 mm Film Projectors - Used and New - Where to Buy

¡P     Small Group Resources

¡P     Solar Powered Amplifier System

¡P     Slovak and Czech Christian Resources

¡P     Spanish Christian Video Directory

¡P     Sports Outreach Resources

¡P     Students Rights in Public Schools

¡P     Surfer Outreach

¡P     Suffering Resources

¡P     "Survivor" Testimony Sites


¡P     TESL- Places to Study

¡P     TESL - Resources

¡P     Teacher Resources

¡P     Teaching Missions to Kids

¡P     Teen Outreach Resources

¡P     Tentmakers Resources

¡P     Testimony - How to Write

¡P     Thanksgiving Holiday Resources

¡P     The Rights of Christians for Free Speech, Religious Freedom, Church Rights, Parents Rights, Political Free Speech Rights

¡P     Theology Resources

¡P     Tract Sources - Worldwide

¡P     Tracts regarding the tragedy to New York City and Washington DC

¡P     Travel - Saving Money On Airfare

¡P     Turkish Outreach Resources


¡P     Unreached People Group Directory

¡P     Used Computers - Where to Buy

¡P     Used Computers for Missions and Ministry


¡P     Video Equipment for Remote Areas

¡P     Video Productions for Missionaries

¡P     Video Projectors - Where to Buy

¡P     Videos - Christian - in Different Languages

¡P     Vietnamese Outreach Resources


¡P     Women in Missions

¡P     Women's Resources

¡P     World Christian Missionary Resources

¡P     World Christian Tract Directory

¡P     World Christian Tract Ministry

¡P     World Christian Video Directory

¡P     Wycliffe Mission Education Material CD - Great Commission Toolbox


¡P     Youth Outreach Resources

¡P     Youth Pastor Resources

There are more good directories and sites for missionaries at:
World Christian Missionary Resources

How you can help

1.      providing new content or additions

2.      helping to make corrections and sending it to me

3.      free or low price web publishing or html

4.      helping edit the information

5.      helping entering information in a database

6.      supporting the ministry

7.      sharing this information with other people

Please contact Ken