Linda Gross, Director of SEAM International          and D-Miss Student, Western Seminary







It Is the 21st Century! We are Christians in the 21st Century! People all over the world are moving all over the world. Many of these people are displaced by war, famine, political and religious oppression, and a variety of personal reasons showing their pursuit of a ¡§better life.¡¨

People who are moving and scattered around the world away from their homelands constitute diasporas. Diaspora is a word used for people groups that are displaced from the lands of origin or even cities of origin. However, many if not most of the people who scatter around the world will not be displaced from their beliefs and cultural characteristics very quickly.  They take them with them wherever they go. In this issue of Global Missiology you will be introduced to the idea of the present challenge of reaching the diasporas and training to reach them .


CONSULTATION FOR A NEW DIRECTION                                                                          GLOBAL DIASPORA MISSIOLOGY CONSULTATION

Sponsored by FIN & endorsed by Lausanne

Edmonton, Alberta (Nov. 16-18, 2006) --  Participants included missiologists, theologians and leaders of diaspora groups such as Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Jewish, South Asian, Korean, Brazillian,  Hispanic, Nepalese, West African, East African, Russian, Arab and Filipino.  The impact of global migration on the future of global missions and new missions strategies were the major issues discussed at the Consultation.

The Consultation was hosted by Taylor University College and Seminary (Edmonton), convened by Dr. Enoch Wan (Director, Doctor of Missiology Program at Western Seminary, Portland), Dr. Tetsuno Yamamori (former International Director of Lausanne) and myself as FIN International Coordinator.  The host for the event was Dr. Allan Effa (Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies at Taylor Seminary) and the facilitator was Dr. T.V. Thomas (Center for Evangelism and World Missions, Regina). Though the consultation itself was attended by invited participants and observers only; public lectures and services were scheduled and well attended. Papers presented by the participants were collected and will be published in a compendium volume as a sequel to FIN¡¦s first publication - Scattered: The Filipino Global Presence (LifeChange, 2004). The book ¡§Scattered¡K¡¨ was distributed at Lausanne Forum 2004 in Pattaya, Thailand.  We hope that this upcoming publication will be released in time for the Lausanne III in 2010.



Edmonton, Alberta -- The Lausanne Executive Committee for World Evangelization through its Chair, Rev. Doug Birdshall has appointed Sadiri 'Joy' Tira as Senior Associate for the Diaspora.

Joy Tira, a long-time pastor with the Christian & Missionary Alliance in Canada, is founding and current International Coordinator for Filipino International Network (FIN) based in Edmonton, Canada.  The Filipino International Network (FIN) is a catalytic movement of Christians committed to motivate and mobilize Filipinos globally to partner for worldwide missions (

Joy Tira joins other Senior Associates:  Patrick McDonald (Viva Network) for Children at Risk; Joni Eareckson Tada (Joni and Friends) for Evangelism among Disabled People; Evvy Campbell for Holistic Mission; Joseph Vijayam for InformationTechnology; Elke Werner for Women in Evangelism; Peter Brierley (Christian Research) for Church Research; Todd Johnson (World Christian Database) for Study of Global Christianity; Phill Butler (visionSynergy) for Strategic Evangelism Partnerships; Stan Toler for Stewardship; Berit Helgøy Kloster for Tentmaking; Kent Parks for Least Reached Peoples; Glenn Smith for Urban Evangelization; and Mats Tunehag for Business as Mission.

Asked how he feels about his role with LCWE, Tira said: ¡§I am honored and humbled by this ¡¥high calling¡¦ to serve the Master and His global-church.¡¨ He added a timely observation: ¡§The nations can no longer be defined by geography because there has been an accelerated mass movement of tribes and peoples. These diasporas (i.e scattering or dispersion) are God¡¦s way of reaching and discipling the nations.¡¨ Being an ethnic Filipino who is now a naturalized Canadian, Tira feels that there should be a strong network among Christian diaspora groups for coordinated evangelism and discipleship. He would like to see a functional synergy among the scattered Chinese, Filipinos, Koreans, South Asians, Hispanics, Arabs, Jews, Africans, etc.¡¨

He received a Doctor of Ministry in Intercultural Studies degree from Reformed Theological Seminary (Jackson, Mississippi) and is currently pursuing a Doctor of Missiology specializing in international migration from Western Seminary (Portland, Oregon).  Joy Tira¡¦s ministry training in missiology and intercultural studies, in addition to his proven networking skills will be well-utilized in his new role with LCWE.


A New Initiative for training People on the Move

IDS Launching

Manila, Philippines & Portland, Oregon, USA (April, May 2007) -- The committed Christians in the Filipino Diaspora ¡V a substantial estimate of 7% of 8 million registered Filipino expatriates, are a great potential witness around the globe! With the goal to ¡§motivate, equip, and mobilize Filipinos to partner for global missions¡¨, the Filipino International Network has partnered with Alliance Graduate School (AGS) in Manila, Philippines, and Western Seminary in Portland, USA to launch the Institute of Diaspora Studies (IDS) this Spring (2007).

Negotiations for this new initiative in training have been underway since FIN began in the mid-nineties; however, it was not until the FIN-initiated Filipino Theological Educators Consultation, held from January 4-6, 2006 at the Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary, Baguio City, Philippines, that solidified partnerships and actual planning began for the Institute of Diaspora Studies. The theme of the consultation was: Mobilizing Filipinos for Global Missions through Theological Education. The objectives were (1) to network key educators of traditional theological education for global missions, (2) to examine creative options of equipping and training Diaspora Filipinos for global missions, and (3) to explore various options to collaborate in theological education delivery for the diaspora Filipinos. Representatives came primarily from theological seminaries and Bible colleges in the Philippines with some from Middle East, Far East Asia and North America. Several diaspora leaders and ministry practitioners joined them.  After a fruitful time of dialogue and reflection and with a desire to see God¡¦s work through the Filipino diaspora expand, the participants formulated and signed The Baguio Challenge which is a prayerful five-fold challenge:

   1. That the Filipino church will continue to excel in equipping all Christians for growth and witness, and training leaders for effective ministry globally.

   2. That theological institutions especially those in the Philippines will embrace the reality of Filipino diaspora missions and will include missiological training for all pastors and Christian workers.

   3. That region-specific curricula be developed to prepare the Filipino diaspora Christians to engage in effective and contextualized ministry.

   4. That a sustainable multi-delivery system of formal and non-formal theological education be sensitively coordinated and implemented for diaspora Filipino believers in creative access nations.

   5. That networking and partnership be sought with other Diaspora groups and networks to enhance and expand the availability of theological education for all Christians.

Results include the kairos partnership of FIN with AGS in the East and with Western Seminary in the West to develop the IDS program which would be inline with the Baguio Challenge. AGS launched the first-phase of IDS-ASIA in April 2007, and Western Seminary launched IDS-USA in May 2007.  Dr. Tetsunao Yamamori, evangelical leader, missiologist, and former International Director of Lausanne Congress for World Evangelization expresses congratulations on the launching of the IDS centres, and affirms the program by saying:  ¡§The topic of people on the move is of immense significance missiologically and those committed to the Great Commission ministry must explore its strategic implication.¡¨  The hope is that IDS will result in the upgrading of lay-pastors who are presently leading diaspora congregations, and that it will contribute to increasing the maturity of their lay leaders, particularly in the high-priority Creative/Limited Access Nations where there is a large presence of Filipinos.  In the past, many have benefited from excellent informal training opportunities that have been made available through various agencies. What makes IDS unique is that it is a more formalized and systematic education program. Such an approach will draw other diaspora Christians to take advantage of this training. 

Core courses to be offered at IDS-Asia are as follows: Diaspora Missiology; Practical Evangelism; World Religions (e.g. Buddhism, Islamic, Hinduism, etc.; Globalization and Global Violence:  Implications on Global Missions; Contextualization; Catalytic Leadership; Intercultural Communication; Cultural Anthropology. The courses offered in Spring 2007 were:  ¡§Diaspora Missiology: A Filipino Case Study¡¨ taught by Dr. Sadiri Joy Tira; ¡§Cultural Anthropology¡¨ taught by Dr. Enoch Wan; ¡§Catalytic Leadership¡¨ taught by Dr. T.V. Thomas.

For the launch IDS-USA at Western Seminary offered the two following courses: "Diaspora Missiology: Case Study of Jew, Chinese and Filipino", taught by Dr. Enoch Wan, Dr. Twovya Zaretsky and Dr. Joy Tira; and "Business as Transformation:  Principles and Practice of Holistic Mission", taught by Dr. Ted Yamamori.

FIN welcomes future partnerships with other institutions in Asia to work together to enhance the breadth and quality of education. FIN is certainly looking forward to the implementation and fruit of this new initiative in ministry training.


For more information about IDS-ASIA please contact Dr. Averell Aragon at AGS. The E-mail is; and visit the website at

For further information about IDS-USA please contact Dr. Enoch Wan at Western Seminary.    E-mail him at; and visit the website at



             Coming Soon! We will soon have new and a growing variety of written resources available in the Diaspora link of the Global Missiology site.  These resources will include links to articles, journals, books, websites, demographic/ethnographic sites, media,  cultures, religions, diasporas in various locations and countries and more. Both Christian and non-Christian resources will be made available to enhance your studies.  Please note the following list and categories that are partially filled in. Soon they will be completely filled in.



As we move forward beyond 2007 where are we going?  Diaspora Missiology is a new topic and subject in Seminaries. It is used to describe the new challenges which the church faces in receiving scattered peoples from other parts of the world.  It represents a new adventure for the church, to be prepared and trained to rise to this amazing missiological occasion and reach people of the various diasporas.



Are you ready to meet this exciting and enriching challenge to expand your missions vision?  We are ready to serve you, equip you, encourage you to reach the diasporas in your communities and beyond.












Chinese Diaspora

International Conference on Literature of the Chinese Diaspora -




Fludernik, Monika, Diaspora and Multiculturalism, New York: Rodopi, 2003. ISBN: 9042009063

Kokot, Waltraud, Diaspora, Identity and Religion: New Directions in Theory and Research,

Morey, Peter, Rohinton Mistry,


Neubeboren, Jay, News from the New American Diaspora and other Tales of Exile, Texas: University of Texas Press, 2005. ISBN: 0292706628


Goodrich, Luther Carrington, A Short History of the Chinese People, NY, Courier Dover Publications, 2002.







Morreale, Don, Ed., The Complete  Guide to Buddhist America, Boston, MA: Shambhala, 1998. ISBN: 1-57052-270-1

Socially Engaged Buddhism in the West                                                                                                                            From:                                                              Compiled by Donald Rothberg

__________. Widening Circles: A Memoir. Gabriola Island, British Columbia: New Society Publishers, 2000.

* _________ and Molly Young Brown. Coming Back to Life: Practices to Reconnect Our Lives, Our World. Gabriola Island, British Columbia: New Society Publishers, 1998.

Aitken, Robert. The Dragon Who Never Sleeps: Verses for Zen Buddhist Practice. Berkeley: Parallax Press, 1992.

Brazier, David. The New Buddhism. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002.

*Glassman, Bernie. Bearing Witness: A Zen Master¡¦s Lessons in Making Peace. New York: Bell Tower, 1998.

*Macy, Joanna. World as Lover, World as Self. Berkeley: Parallax Press, 1991.

*Queen, Christopher (ed.). Engaged Buddhism in the West. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2000.

Thurman Robert. Inner Revolution: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Real Happiness. New York: Riverhead Books, 1998.

Ethics for Socially Engaged Practice                                                                                                                             From:                                                        Compiled by Donald Rothberg

__________ (ed.). Buddhism and Abortion. London: Macmillan, 1998.

__________ (ed.). Contemporary Buddhist Ethics. Richmond, Surrey, U.K.: Curzon Press, 2000.

__________ (ed.). Buddhism and Bioethics. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2001.

*Aitken, Robert, The Mind of Clover: Essays in Zen Buddhist Ethics. San Francisco: North Point Press, 1984.

Batchelor, Martine (trans.), The Path of Compassion: The Bodhisattva Precepts. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press, 2004.

Dalai Lama. Ethics for the New Millennium, New York: Riverhead Books, 1999.

*Harvey, Peter. An Introduction to Buddhist Ethics: Foundations, Values and Issues, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Keown, Damien, The Nature of Buddhist Ethics. London: Macmillan, 1992.

Keown, Damien, Charles Prebish, and Wayne Husted (eds.), Buddhism and Human Rights. Surrey, U.K.: Curzon Press, 1998.

LaFleur, William. Liquid Life: Abortion and Buddhism in Japan, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992.

*Nhat Hanh, Thich. Interbeing: Fourteen Guidelines for Engaged Buddhism (3rd ed.), Berkeley: Parallax Press, 1998.

Nhat Hanh, Thich, et al, For a Future to be Possible: Commentaries on the Five Wonderful Precepts. Berkeley: Parallax Press, 1993.

Sadhatissa, Hammalawa, Buddhist Ethics: The Path to Nirvana. London: Wisdom Publications, 1987 (originally published 1970).

Senauke, Alan (ed.), Safe Harbor: Guidelines, Process and Resources for Ethics and Right Conduct in Buddhist Communities. Berkeley: Buddhist Peace Fellowship, n.d.

Sizemore, Russell, and Donald Swearer (eds.), Ethics, Wealth, and Salvation: A Study in Buddhist Social Ethics. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1990.


Shively, Donald H., Journal of Asian Studies, Association for Asian Studies, 1956.

_____,Turning Wheel: The Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism: issue on Buddhists Consider Medical Ethics (Spring 2002).


Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

The Concept of Diaspora as an analytical tool in the study of refugee communities

Demographic, Ethnographic Resources




African Diaspora Central

(News Engines and Online Papers; Politics, Law, Labor, and Living; Sports. Daily Concerns)

Essay, images, and terminology.


Provider of African-American daily news and educational resources and home of Microsoft's Encarta Africana.




Armenia Diaspora Conference Official Web Site. Information on ADC projects, business and economic news and reviews, useful links and more about...



Arab Diaspora


Asian (General) Diaspora


Chinese Diaspora



Bi-lingual (English & French) Pan Africa news update


Border Crossings (with list of helpful links)


Filipino Diaspora & OFW (Overseas Filipino Workers)

Tanikalang Ginto Philippines : Filipino ...


Migration Information Source

(fresh thought, authoritative data with searchable global data by country & glossary)



South Asian














World Christian Video Series ¡V Indian Christian Video Directory -





_____, The New People Next Door, Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization, 2005. ISBN: 0-9550007-1-8 (Email: or )


Grimes, Mabel S, Life out of death; or, the story of the Africa Inland Mission, London : Africa Inland Mission, 2007. Call number: SRLF:LAGE-1547466

Kumm, Hermann Karl Wilhelm, African Missionary Heroes and Heroines, New York : Macmillan, 2006. Call number: ALX-4093

Milligan, Robert H, The Fetish Folk of West Africa, New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1912/2007.           Call Number: srlf_ucla:LAGE-118350

Milum, John, Thomas Birch Freeman : missionary pioneer to Ashanti, Dahomey, and Egba, New York : F.H. Revell Co, 2006. Call number: AVM-8351

Taylor, William, Christian Adventures in South Africa, New York Nelson & Phillips, copyright 2006.                Call number: AAB-0632


Gidoomal, Ram and TV Thomas, Catalyst for Change, The South Asian Diaspora, South Asian Concern, Delhi, India, 2005. ISBN: 0-9550007-0-x (Email:

Mejudhon, Nantachai, Meekness: A New Approach to Christian Witness to the Thai People, D. Miss. Diss, Asbuty Theological Seminary, 1997.

Mejudhon, Ubolwon, The Way of Meekness: Being Christian and Thai in the Thai Way, D. Miss. Diss, Asbury Theological Seminary, 1997.

Seamonds, John, Tell It Well: Communicating the Gospel Across Cultures, Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press, 1981.

Zwemer, Samuel Marinus, The nearer and farther East : outline studies of Moslem lands and of Siam, Burma, and Korea, New York : Macmillan, 2006. Call number: AJD-7491



World Religions

Partridge, Christopher, General Ed., Dictionary of Contemporary Religion in the Western World, Downer¡¦s Grove, Intervarsity Press, 2002  US ISBN: 0-8308-1436-1


Hiebert, Paul G., R. Daniel Shaw, and Tite Tienou, Understanding Folk Religion, Grand Rapids, Baker Books, 1999. ISBN: 0-8010-2219-3

Van Rheenen, Gailyn, Communicating Christ in Animistic Contexts, Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 1996.    ISBN 0878087710


_____, Bridges for Ministry Among Buddhists, Bangkok, Thailand: Religious Study Center.

Davis, John, Poles Apart? Contextualizing the Gospel, Bangkok, Thailand: OMF Publications, 1993.

Dybdahl, Jon, Meeting the Challenge of Buddhism in a Changing World, Asia Adventist Seminary Studies, Vol. 3, 2000.

Green, Michael, But Don¡¦t All Religions Lead to God?, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2002.

Hathaway, Paul, Peoples of the Buddhist World, Pasadena: William Carey Library,  2004.  ISBN 0-87808-361-8

Lim, David and Steve Spalding, eds., Sharing Jesus in the Buddhist World, Pasadena, William Carey Library, 2003

Petsongkhram, Wan, Talks in the Shade of the B o Tree, Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Gospel Press, 1975.

Shin, Hong-Shik, The Though and Life of Hinayana Buddhism, Bangkok, Thailand: OMF Publishers, 1990.

Smith, Alex, Buddhism Through Christian Eyes, Littleton, CO: OMF International, 2001.

Tsering, Marku, Sharing Christ in the Tibetan Buddhist World, Upper Darby, PA: Tibet Press, 1988.

Thirumalai, Madasamy, Sharing Your Faith with a Buddhist, Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 2003.

Wagner, Paul, Good News for Buddhists, Available by contacting the Religious Study Center, Bangkok, Thailand.

Weerasingha, Tissa, The Cross and the Bo Tree, Taiwan: Asia Theological Association, 1989.

Zacharias, Ravi, The Lotus and the Cross, Sisters, Oregon: Multnoma Publishers, Inc.,  2001. ISBN:1-57673-854-X



Thirumalai, Madasamy, Sharing Your Faith with a Hindu, Minneapolis: Bethany House, 2002. ISBN: 0-7642-2632-0


Zwemer, Samuel Marinus, The Nearer andFfarther East : outline studies of Moslem lands and of Siam, Burma, and Korea, New York : Macmillan, 2006. Call number: AJD-7491









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