China Clippings


Anthony Bollback


Retired Alliance missionary to China, and district superintendent


(The monthly newsletter, June 2007,

edited by Anthony Bollback with the latest news of events happening in China today)







A century ago, the Christian population of China was almost imperceptible. Today, the explosive growth of the church is changing all that! With millions coming to Jesus Christ in every strata of society, and reaching an estimated 100-125 million people even by government standards, China is headed toward having the largest Christian population of any country of the world. For many years, Bibles have been in great demand, and in some rural areas, only one Bible is available for as many as 100 believers! To meet that need, Amity Press, which is the only official printing press for Bibles in China, printed approximately 5 million Bibles last year. Give praise to God that the government allows this official press to function under the auspices of the registered Church (TSPM). Nevertheless, with an estimated 1 million new believers every month, Amity Press cannot begin to meet the pressing demand for more Bibles. 




The new goal at Amity Press has been set at 10 million Bibles a year. Expansion of the printing facilities in the state-of-the-art printing facility will soon make that possible. For many years, the American Bible Society has been supplying all the paper free of charge making it possible for Chinese believers to purchase a Bible for $1.50! To meet the urgent demand of the new goal, ABS is calling on American churches to supply one million dollars over the next 12 months. In order to satisfy the insatiable thirst for God's Word among students and intellectuals, a pocket-sized New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs is in the works thus encouraging them to read God's Word wherever they may be. Conversions among intellectuals is breaking all records and making this group one of the fastest growing groups in all of China. Check out the ABS web site at




Many organizations have stepped in to meet the demand. Asia Harvest is one such group that has printed almost 1 million Bibles for distribution to house churches who often do not have access to the official Bibles. Each full Bible costs only $2.25 to be printed and delivered to people thirsting for the Word. The major problem is that pastors and workers risk their lives to print and distribute these Bibles to needy house church people because of government restrictions and possible imprisonment. Many pastors languish in prison today for daring to print and distribute the Word of God. Pray for them to be kept strong in the miserable places where they are held, and pray that in spite of the risk, that the Word will go forth with great power and set people free. Check out their web site:


Another organization stepping in to meet the demand for research books is Cook Communications Ministries International. They have the opportunity to officially distribute The Applied New Testament Commentary and other books such as the Pictorial Bible for Children in many large cities. A seminary student wrote recently and said, "I often fear a voice telling me I will never be a good pastor. How can I overcome the fear in my heart? Just when I was about to give up, I received a copy of The Applied New Testament Commentary. Now I am able to study the New Testament in  depth. The most precious gift is that the book lets me know more about God, which helps strengthen my relationship with Him."


Ambassadors for Christ provides all kinds of Chinese literature such as Bibles, research books, and commentaries to be used by those traveling into China. Contact them for price lists for your needs as you work with scholars studying in the USA. Check out their web site:




Several years ago, research indicated that for the first time in modern church history, the number of career missionaries from North America was in decline. On the other hand, the numbers from the developing world were increasing exponentially, and surpassing those from the west. In these developing countries there has been a great spiritual awakening that is fueling a passionate fervor that once gripped the North American churches during the 20th century. Amazingly, in the two-thirds world (Asia, Latin America and Africa), where persecution has purified the church, believers are moving out in unprecedented numbers to reach the world for Christ. The ABWE magazine states, "The patient plodding of non-western feet, bringing the gospel from churches in the developing world, is growing from a muted shuffle to a distant thunder." In fact, during the last three decades, the rate of increase in the non-western world has been five times that of the west. Researcher Larry Keyes predicts that "the bulwark of mission leadership and resources in the years ahead will come from the two-thirds world." 




The Chinese Church is spearheading the movement westward from China through the 10/40 Window countries. Check out my web site for an in depth explanation of the 10/40 Window. Several groups have already established extensive training programs for the tent-making workers, and some of them are already penetrating the difficult restricted countries for the purpose of raising up a church in each of them that will bring glory to God. There is a determination to move forward in spite of opposition, privation, severe persecution, possible imprisonment and even death. These valiant and highly dedicated workers say "The hostile nations we enter may torture us and starve us, but they can do no more than we experienced in our own country for many decades under Communism. We are not afraid to bleed, for our bodies are merely temporary tents to be used in the Lord's service. We are not only ready to die for the gospel. We are expecting it." It behooves us to surround them and undergird them with our prayers as they face the opposition of Satan.     


Pray earnestly for the following:

  • That they will be strengthened with all might by the Lord Jesus Christ and His all-powerful Word.
  • That they will find suitable employment in the lands they have entered at the call of God.
  • That they will be protected and kept and miraculously delivered by God in extremely dangerous situations.
  • That they will be used of God to lead many to Christ and see His Kingdom established in these hostile places.
  • That new converts will stand true in the face of death threats and persecution.

To join with a reliable Chinese group training messengers, contact for monthly prayer requests. Support this ministry financially as it is firmly dedicated to preparing people to reach out in this cross-cultural manner.




The forgotten people of missions are the tent-makers by the thousands living in limited access countries. Their names are not listed anywhere. Their pictures do not appear in Mission magazines. They cannot freely write to share the triumphs of their work, nor can they tell us of their struggles and the opposition from unsympathetic authorities. They are gone for several years at a time and they fade from our memories as we are bombarded with current news of war and disasters. They live and work in Central Asia, and countries with such strange names as Uzbekistan, Kyrgystan, Turkmenistan, AzerbaijanTajikistan, Bhutan, the Maldives, and the more familiar ones like ChinaTurkeyPakistan, Afghanistan, Algeria, Morocco, and other countries of North Africa. They are frequently forgotten, yet they need our prayers and financial support. They live as we stand fast in the Lord. Make a determined effort to remember to pray for these courageous people on the frontlines of the battle for the souls of lost people.   




My wife Evelyn and I are bound for Hawaii this week for 17 days of visiting and ministering to our many friends at Kapahulu Bible Church where I once served as pastor after leaving Hong Kong. Your prayers are important to us as we go as we want to leave the fragrance of Jesus everywhere in the islands. We'll be back in time to send out the next edition of this newsletter.




There is always something new on this informative web site that gathers vital and pertinent news about China to help us in our praying for this great country. Keep in mind that CHINA CLIPPINGS and the web site are news reports from many sources that do not necessarily represent the opinion of the editor. The reports are about significant events and situations that help generate prayer. Please continue to forward this report to your praying friends and help them share in the joy of making Christ known by this means.


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Yours Because Jesus Is Lord,

Anthony Bollback


1622 Calvin Circle, Kissimmee, FL 34746


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