China Clippings
Anthony Bollback

Published under ""Contemporary Practice" at, October 2 007


The eyes of the world are on China as it prepares to host the 2 008 Olympic Games in Beijing, August 8-24. International news reports fantastic progress and a spectacular opening night and amazing buildings of the latest architecture and design. But all is not well in China. Behind the fagade to the global community, is the increasing crackdown on house churches and leaders. OPEN DOORS, USA representatives in China report some sinister events taking place in the government's attempt to control the image they want the world to see. Religious liberty is guaranteed by the constitution, but that means it only applies to religion practiced in an approved TSPM church. Those who resist registration are harassed, restricted, persecuted and imprisoned for long periods of time.

Here is a summary of their report.

·          Public Security Bureau (PSB) personnel have visited most house church meetings, baptismal services and training sessions, and pastors in Beijing have been requested to leave the city before the Games begin.

·          Foreigners in at least two provinces have been expelled for having remained too long in the cities as ""students." Some have been expelled for having Chinese Christian literature in their homes.

·        After an open-air event put on by the International Christian Fellowship in a certain southern city, the PSB officials visited all who attended and record was made of their identity.

·          In a southern province all foreign co-laborers ceased activities and had to lay low because of increased surveillance by the PSB officials.

·          Chinese workers discovered with Christian literature from overseas organizations have had the literature confiscated and in many cases, the workers have received long prison terms of as much as three years.

We need to pray for all pastors, workers and foreigners who are in the line of fire during this year before the Games. No one knows at this time whether the opposition will cease after the Games or if the effort to shut down house churches will continue. Obviously, we need to pray for

thousands of believers who are determined to carry on their meetings regardless of the cost to them personally. Check out Open Doors web site:


In spite of opposition and difficulties, the training of Chinese leadership for missionary outreach in the 1 0/4 0 Window made up mostly of Muslim nations continues unabated. Pray for these requests as found on

·                       Many of our staff are fanning out on vision and training trips in dangerous places for the next couple of months. Pray for safety and protection and vision for better training.

·                       Pray for many students who are in the training centers and on mission fields already. They need daily courage, wisdom, fortitude in the face of opposition, and protection from attacks of Satan.

·                       Prayer is urgently needed for several visas for workers to enter limited access countries and begin their work of planting churches on the way to Jerusalem.

·                       Contact your Mission Board on ways to contribute to this work or send the editor an e-mail with your request.


A strategic staging post on Marco Polo's ancient Silk Road which will be used by intrepid believers as they plant churches through the 1 0/4 0 Window is the city of Kashgar situated at the westernmost end of the

Taklamakan desert. It has a population of around one million people made up of 7 0% Uyghurs and 3 0% Chinese and growing. It is a microcosm of the rest of Xinjiang province of western China. There is considerable tension between the Chinese rulers and the Uyghur population which is predominantly followers of conservative Islam. It is also the hotbed of Uyghur nationalist and the separatist movement. Kashgar boasts one of the largest weekly bazaars in Central Asia with tens of thousands of people, almost all Muslims, coming to trade from the neighboring countries of Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Please PRAY:

·          That the people of Uyghur will be released from the stronghold of Satan into the dominion of Jesus Christ who gives freedom from fear and death.

·          That the Uyghur Scriptures will be completed. The New Testament has only recently been completed, and none of the Old Testament is available. The Uyghur Bible is illegal in Xinjiang.

·          That the city of Kashgar will have a strong Christian witness.

·          That Chinese workers will fan out from Kashgar along the entire Silk Road.


Thirty-seven medical volunteers spent two months in Gansu serving Chinese and Tibetans by restoring sight to more than 525 patients. Dr. Bill Conrad, founder of Gansu, Inc reports on the summer's activities:

·                     For the first time in 15 years volunteers performed eye surgery in two geographic locations. The government allowed 12 medical personnel to serve in Old Outer Tibet with much success and blessing.

·                     The two locations reported a record 525 surgeries and enabled them to restore sight to some patients who were very elderly and unable to see for many years.

·                     Since the inception of this ministry, doctors have performed 5, 079 cataract surgeries in the name of Jesus, the Great Physician.

·                     Doctors and nurses willing to serve in 2 008 may contact Gansu, Inc at P.O. Box 8954, Warner Roberts, GA 31095-8954 or call 478-929-5 006 for information or to make contributions for this ministry.


A letter was received from a Miao (Hmong) Bible School graduate now in ministry of a very productive preaching ministry. Many non-Christians attended the meetings and when opportunity was given to receive Jesus Christ, 5 0 people came forward. While visiting the homes of non-believers, four families trusted in Jesus. More than 6 0-7 0 people trusted in Jesus and 48 believers were baptized. Another current Bible School student spent two months in his home county. 4 0 were baptized. A newly formed group of 1 0 people eagerly studied the Bible as they enthusiastically accepted the challenge to witness for Christ.


A large group of speakers, both Chinese and American, will lead the Chinese Mission Convention at the Radisson Valley Forge Convention Center, December 26-3 0. This important convention brings together many outstanding speakers and workshop leaders to strengthen the Chinese churches of America and assist them with new vision for the challenges they are facing. Rev. David T. Chow, Executive Director of Ambassadors for Christ, Inc will lead the convention. This is a unique opportunity to be equipped for ministry both at home and abroad. Register online at