Call for Papers

“Recessions and Declines:

Noteworthy Decreases of Christianity and Its Influence”

For Publication in Global Missiology,, October 2024

The theme of the October 2024 issue of Global Missiology - English will be “Recessions and Declines: Noteworthy Decreases of Christianity and Its Influence.” This issue will provide contrasts with the preceding July 2024 issue on “Awakenings, Advances, and Revivals.” The following topics are examples of requested articles:

-   Review of Recent Literature on Christian Recessions and Declines

-   Case Studies of Local, Regional, or Broader Decreases in Christian Presence and Influence

-   Contemporary Case Studiesincluding on so-called “Religious Nones”

-   Historical Case Studies

-   Biblical-theological Analyses

-   Missiological Analyses

Proposed titles with approximately 100-word abstracts are due February 29, 2024. Full manuscripts of approved paper proposals will be due July 31, 2024. Manuscript guidelines can be found on the Global Missiology website at

Please address all submissions and questions to