Mary Roberts Daban
Mary Daban currently teaches English at the Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis at Polytech, Sophia Antipolis and has taught English at the University of Monaco, the Wuhan Transportation University and Shanghai School of Commerce (Duei Wei Maoyi Xue Yuan). Her work spans religious studies, culture and identity, human rights and freedom of religion issues. She has received funding from the French Ministry of Education "Aires Culturelles" to complete her project on Chinese American Christian Identity Construction (San Francisco and Los Angeles community focus).She has published in a Hong Kong Christian journal on the subject of Chinese family values and Chinese Christians in North America. She is currently conducting research into religious and cultural identity construction of diverse ethnic groups in francophone and anglophone spheres. This research seeks to take into account the importance of respect for religious freedom in different cultural spheres. Mrs. Daban and her husband have adopted two children from orphanages in Nanjing and XiAn (Baoji).