Logan, Robert. “Be Fruitful and Multiply”


  • Ryan Parker


Starting new churches is a critical topic within Christian life, as the impetus for doing or orthopraxy flows out of the nature of the Christian, or being. God’s people are not saved for no reason or inactivity. The call of a Christian life is living out a response to the reality of the gospel, to love God and others because God first loved us (1 John 4:19¬–21). Living out this salvation from God within the greater context of the church with a specific emphasis upon the local church provides the means for engaging in the mission of Jesus’ followers to make disciples throughout the world (Matt 28:18–20; Acts 1:8). Emphasizing the local church comes from the unique ability of a localized group of united Christians for fulfilling God’s mission. In this local church emphasis, a necessary means of fulfilling the mission of God is in planting new churches. This critical church planting work is appropriately the theological and practical subject of many studies and the object of many discussions within Christianity.



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