An Overview of Christian Missions in Myanmar
Myanmar is known to foreigners as the ‘Golden Land’ not only for its golden pagodas but also for its rich natural resources. It is a country boasting emerald green rice fields, a multitude of tropical flowers and fruits and brilliantly painted temples. It is known as the Union of Myanmar (in Burmese language “Pyidaungsu Myanmar Naing-Ngan). The country is located in South East Asia bordering the People’s Republic of China on the North East, Laos on the East, Thailand on the South East, Bangladesh on the West and India on the North West. It covers an area of 261,228 square miles. The land area stretches 1,280 miles from North to South, 578 miles from East to West at the wide parts of the boundary. Myanmar is mountainous and drained by four major rivers, Ayeyawaddy, Chindwin, Thanlewin and Sittaung.Issue
Field Feature