Legacy Church Pastors Need Not Fear Losing Leaders by Implementing a #NoPlaceLeft Strategy


  • Aaron Colyer


Let me start with a confession. The first time I heard of the #NoPlaceLeft vision  and Church Planting Movement strategies, I immediately assumed that these trainers and practitioners wanted to see the traditional church die. The fourth field in the Four Fields training involved new church starts and rapid multiplication that was surely going to take the best leaders with pioneer-like qualities away from legacy churches who desperately needed people to be setting the example. In this article it will be clear that my initial fears of a #NoPlaceLeft strategy were unmerited. Being willing to let catalytic leaders go has only served to see their passions grow like wild fire throughout our “legacy church”. The following article is mostly aimed at legacy church pastors and leaders who, like me, at one point were curious, yet apprehensive to engage in a #NoPlaceLeft evangelism and disciple making strategy.



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