Contagious Disciple Making: Leading Others on a Journey of Discovery


  • Mark R. Kreitzer


Contagious Disciple Making: Leading Others on a Journey of Discovery is a brilliant and a necessary addition to the practical and theoretical literature designed to disciple the massive Muslim and Hindu blocks of unreached peoples. It is also, I might add, one of several antidotes to an increasingly irrelevant evangelical movement in North America in a post-modern and post-Christian West. Yet it is also at the same time has some deep real flaws – dangerous if the imbalances are taken to their logical extent. I will recommend several needed corrections from both a theological and missiological perspective. Having introduced the book in such a manner, I would still highly recommend believers with a passion to see the earth filled with His glory read it with both enthusiasm and discernment. I believe one quote summarizes this valuable volume, “Discipleship is not taught but caught.”





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