God's Work Among, and Through, Immigrants and Refugees in Korea - by J. Nelson Jennings


  • J. Nelson Jennings - Onnuri Church: Mission Pastor, Consultant, Int'l Liaison; GME - Editor


The recent increase of immigrants and refugees arriving in South Korea has raised new challenges for the Republic of Korea (ROK) government, companies, local communities, and citizens. For churches and Christian ministries in South Korea, more foreigners has meant more contact with Christians and non-Christians from relatively unfamiliar countries. The most fundamental questions facing Korean Christians concern God's purposes behind the arrival of immigrants and refugees: for the new arrivals themselves, for Korean Christians' growth, and for possibilities of new gospel ministries. God is leading and using Korean Christians in their service to immigrants and refugees. God is also using the presence of more foreigners in South Korea to challenge Korean Christians to grow in various ways. This essay seeks to encourage Korean Christians in their service, as well as in their growth, through looking at a few examples of God's work among immigrants and refugees in other parts of the world.





Diaspora Studies