The Awesome Ways of God: The Movement, “America, Return to God,” Partnershiping with London
In the mid 1980's I was visiting the Center for World Missions in Pasadena, California. There I had the privilege of meeting an 85 year old former missionary to China, Mr. William Shubert. At that time, he was suffering from cancer. I shared with Brother Shubert my interest in China, and how much I had been inspired by the story of Dr. John Sung, one of China's greatest evangelists. Brother Shubert told me that he had been a co-laborer with Dr. Sung and that he had written a small biography on Sung's life. He gave me a copy (which I have cherished to this day.) On the flyleaf he wrote, "May the Lord bless you use you as he did John Sung" I felt really humbled . I knelt and ask Brother Shubert to pray for me. Sometime later, he went home to be with the Lord.Issue
Spiritual Dynamics