The final chapter of the each of the synoptic gospels records a version of what is known as the Great Commission - a command by Jesus to his followers to make disciples of all the nations of the world. This paper will explore the foundation for Jesus’ command to his disciples. An alternative phrase that better reflects the whole of the Biblical narrative will be offered. This new terminology will be rooted in the fact that the Great Commission finds its origins, not in the New Testament or the Abrahamic covenant, but in the creation account as recorded in the opening chapters of Genesis. It will be shown that the eternal purposes of God are clearly set forth in the creation account and that the unfolding of the Biblical revelation shows God’s active role in restoring the creational design norms[1] that were corrupted following the Fall. In light of this, the creation account serves as a foundation for interpreting not only the Great Commission, but all of Scripture. [1] The term “design norm” is taken from Mark Kreitzer’s classnotes, unpublished.Issue
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