Reaching and Teaching: A Call to Great Commission Obedience


  • J. Snodgrass


REACHING AND TEACHING: A CALL TO GREAT COMMISSION OBEDIENCE, M. David Sills, reviewed by J. SnodgrassPublished in “Review and Preview” of October 2011In 1997, the Foreign Mission Board (now International Mission Board) of the Southern Baptist Convention made a radical shift in the way it carried out its work around the world.  One part of that shift was to begin to transition out of seminaries, many of which had been staffed and funded by the FMB for generations.  The rationale behind these moves was a re-allocation of manpower and resources toward the “Unreached.”  Older models of established, institutional mission work gave way to new methods that pursued “Church-Planting Movements” (CPMs)—rapid, reproducing waves of indigenous churches planting churches.  Depending on whom you ask this was either a great step forward or an ill-conceived mistake.

Author Biography

J. Snodgrass

 J. Snodgrass is a church planter with the International Mission Board in South Asia



Review & Preview