Does the DMM Approach Lead to Movement Breakthrough?
Emanuel Prinz
Bethany Research Institute, Associate Director
Alison Goldhor
Bethany Research Institute
This article reports on the first-ever systematic empirical study of factors that either contribute to or impede the catalyzing of movements. The representative sample comprises a mix of those who have catalyzed movements and those who have not, a total of 307 pioneer missionaries across 38 countries. Of the effective catalysts in the study, 77 percent either specify DMM (Disciple-Making Movements) as their ministry approach or use a DMM-related approach. / Based on 45 in-depth qualitative interviews and statistical analysis, the study verifies several elements of the DMM process. These include prayer, meeting holistic needs (what DMM calls “compassion ministry”), finding persons of peace and working through their social networks, a discovery approach based around small groups, obedience-emphasis, and effectively raising up local leaders.
Author Biographies
Emanuel Prinz, Bethany Research Institute, Associate Director
Global Training Architect of Bethany International, Professor of Intercultural Leadership at Bethany Global University
Alison Goldhor, Bethany Research Institute
Project Coordinator
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