A Mathematically Based Model of Disciple Making Movements
Although many practical resources are available to encourage and facilitate Disciple Making Movements (DMM), a quantitative theoretical framework to undergird the conclusions of authors and practitioners is currently unavailable. Such a model will be useful to assist in increasing the rate at which disciples are able to multiply and could help more slowly reproducing groups of disciples to transition over time into DMM’s. We have developed a model of disciple multiplication that builds from the starting point of an individual disciple maker. This article provides conclusions and applications that are comprehensible to every practitioner, without delving into the underlying mathematics. A key conclusion comprises the twin necessities of investing significant time sowing the gospel among those who are yet far from God and of the mobilization of all (or most) disciples into the harvest (John 4:35). By focusing on disciples’ most controllable factor—prioritization of time on more receptive individuals and on existing close relationships—rates of multiplication can be doubled in most contexts. Furthermore, the model explains how different optimization strategies are needed for different contexts as average receptivity and relational connectedness vary.
Contemporary Practice